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Self- Directed Learning at GAD

Student Voice
Teaching and Learning
Proposed Self-Directed Learning Study at
Sample Size: 30 Students
Year Group: 7
Ability Group: Set 1
Subject: Science
Duration: 6 weeks
Areas That Will Be Studied
 Attainment of students after the trial period compared to
projected grades
 Behaviour
 Attitude to learning
 Confidence
 Interaction with peers
 Speaking and Listening
 Satisfaction/happiness
 Engagement
How Will Progress Be Measured?
There will be three main forms of evaluation:
 Internal assessment
 Covert observation by teacher/supervisor
 Responses to student survey
What next?
• The process and findings will be recorded and
presented to you again after the trial period
• Depending on whether the study was
successful or not will determine whether we
implement this approach within the Academy
• If the approach proves to be a success it could
also be adopted in our sister academies.

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