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name : Soraya Balqis

class : A


1. Expository Learning Strategy is a learning strategy that emphasizes the process of
delivering material verbally from a teacher to students with the intention that students
master the subject matter optimally. There are several advantages to using this
strategy, including:

 The teacher can control the order and extent of the subject matter so that he can
know to what extent students have mastered the material that has been delivered.
 This strategy is considered very effective when the subject matter that must be
mastered by students is very broad while the time is very limited.
 Through expository learning strategies besides students being able to hear
through lecture narratives about a subject matter, at the same time students can
see or observe through demonstrations.
 Another advantage is that this learning strategy can be used for large numbers of
students and class sizes.

2. Strategy Learning ExampleExpository: Gthe teacher conveys the main material that
will be studied in grade 7 English subjects, specifically the material regarding I'm
Proud of Indonesian, as well as the learning objectives to be achieved. After that, the
teacher explains the material using learning methods, such as lectures and questions
and answers. To make it easier for students to understand the material, the teacher can
demonstrate how to distinguish object descriptions and person descriptions. For
example, explaining one by one about what it isobject description and any examples,
and the person description is also explained and then what are the examples. After
explaining and demonstrating the material, the teacher can provide practice questions
or post tests to determine the level of students' understanding of the material that has
been explained.

3. According to Sanjaya (2010), in addition to the advantages of inquiry learning

strategies also have weaknesses, namely:

 If used as a learning strategy, it will be difficult to control student activities and

 This strategy is difficult in planning learning because it collides with students'
learning habits.
 Sometimes in implementing it, it takes a long time so that it is often difficult for
the teacher to adjust it to the allotted time.

4. To overcome deficiencies in inquiry learning strategies, teachers can plan lessons

well and ensure that students understand the learning objectives and follow the
learning process properly.Therefore if students can understand the learning objectives
they will immediately respond to what the material is given by the teacher. Not only
responsive but students will also be active and enthusiastic in the material provided by
the teacher.
5. Problem-Based Learning (PBM) is a learning strategy designed so that students can
gain important knowledge and help them become proficient in solving problems. In
its application, the process of problem-based learning activities uses a systemic
approach that aims to solve problems or face challenges that students will need in real
life. The following is an example of implementing a Problem-Based Learning
Strategy by making moral issues the main topic:
 Teachers need to invite students to realize the importance of a problem to be
 Then the problem is formulated.
 The hypothesis is presented.
 Presented data and then tested.
 Closed with a conclusion.
6. Cooperative Learning Strategies focus on group class activities.Usually, each group
consists of 4 to 6 students. However, actually, the cooperative learning model is more
than just group study.Here, students work together to achieve common learning goals.
Class situations that are suitable for Cooperative Learning Strategies are
heterogeneous classes, where each group must be made up of students who have
different abilities, gender, and ethnicity/race. Thus, cooperation and mutual
assistance will be established in solving the assigned problems.

7. BFollowing are some examples of classroom games that adopt Cooperative

Learning Strategies:
 Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD)
 Jigsaw (Expert Team Model)
 Group Investigations
 Think Pair and Share
 Make a Match
 Find a partner
 Partner Exchange
 Numbered Head
8. Affective Learning Strategy emphasizes the development of the emotional aspects
and feelings of students in the learning process. In the context of learning English, this
can be done by creating a fun and supportive learning atmosphere, as well as
providing positive and motivating feedback to students.
9. Contextual Learning Strategies emphasize meaningful student learning experiences
by connecting the material studied with real life situations.There are several principles
in conducting a Contextual Learning Strategy, including:

 Constructivism: learning that refers to increased development of logic, problem

solving and building understanding of things based on experience, knowledge and
 Questions: the use of questions to guide students' way of thinking for the better.
 Inquiry: a learning process that begins with questions and involves investigation,
experimentation or search to gain knowledge.
 Learning Community: a group of students who are engaged in learning activities
with the aim of deepening the material being studied.
 Modeling: showing students how to do something through examples or
 Reflection: provides opportunities for students to reflect on what they have
learned and how they can apply it in real life.
 Authentic Assessment: uses assessment that reflects a student's ability to apply
knowledge and skills in real-life situations.

10.Because, during the Covid-19 pandemic, it was the best period for implementing
the Contextual Learning Process.However, during the Covid-19 pandemic, many
schools and universities around the world implemented online or online learning 1.In
this situation, Contextual Learning Strategies can help teachers relate the material
being taught to students' real-life situations and encourage students to combine their
knowledge with its application in everyday life.

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