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The Bean Trees By Barbara Kingsolver

Incoming Junior Study Guide 2009/2010

Characters – Briefly identify the following characters using at least one

significant quotation from the book which describes the character.

Taylor Greer Angel Ruiz Mr. Jonas Wilford

Turtle Alice Greer Granny Logan

Lu Ann Ruiz Dwayne Ray Ivy

Mattie Newt Hardbine Mrs. Hoge

Estevan Mrs. Virgie Parsons Irene

Esperanza Edna Poppy Father William

Ismene Cynthia Lee Sing

Written Questions
1.The Bean Trees deals with the theme of being an outsider. In what ways are various characters
outsiders? What does this suggest about what it takes to be an insider? How does feeling like an
outsider affect one's life?

2. How and why do the characters change, especially Lou Ann, Taylor, and Turtle?

3. In many ways, the novel is "the education of Taylor Greer." What does she learn about human
suffering? about love? Use specific examples from the text to support your answers.

4. Kingsolver is often spoken of as a “poetic” novelist. Choose a passage of description in the novel and
analyze it for its poetic elements,, paying attention to such elements as metaphor, simile, and imagery.

5. Compare the settings of Pittman County, Kentucky, and Tucson, Arizona, as Kingsolver describes them.
How do these descriptions portray the moods of these places?

6. How is language important in The Bean Trees?

7. (ESSAY LENGTH RESPONSE) One critic suggests that “Kingsolver uses her feminist beliefs, her
interest in political issues, and her background in biology as vehicles to relate her thematic messages”
Choose any one of the above ( feminist beliefs, political isues, background in biology) and discuss how it is
interwoven into the novel and how it supports any thing you think is thematic in the book.

8. Do some research on Barbara Kingsolver. Develop a short written profile of her life, which is NOT
copied word for word ( cite your sources). Then do a written response discussion what you think is
AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL about The Bean Trees.

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