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Caiaphan’s Petrification Ripple

Level: 6th
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 25-foot radius circle
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Caine Hanks

This spell sends out a ripple of alteration magic in every direction,

similar to the ripple caused on the surface of a pond by a stone. This ripple
is seen only as a slight distortion of the air, and only extends out
horizontally not vertically. This ripple projects outward from the caster and
is as thick as the caster is tall, and therefore cannot be ducked or avoided
by anyone within the area of effect.
Anyone who is touched by the ripple must save vs. petrification at a
penalty of three
points to their roll or be instantly turned to marble, and for the next three
turns they remain petrified. However, on the fourth turn each victim may
save vs. petrification again, if they are successful they return to their
normal state. If a victim fails that saving throw they must wait a further
three rounds and then try again, if they fail again they must wait for three
more rounds, and so on.
The material component for this spell is a ring of marble worn on the
casters hand that crumbles to dust upon completion of the spell’s casting.

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