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Caiaphan’s Vitriolic Bubbles

Level: 4th
Range: See below
Components: V, S, M
Area of Effect: Cloud of bubbles 20 feet x 20 feet x 10 feet high
Casting Time: 4
Duration: 3 rounds
Saving Throw: ½
Author: Caine Hanks 20/01/2006

Upon completion of this incantation the caster exhales a stream of

iridescent bubbles that form a cloud directly in front of the caster. This
cloud of bubbles remains in the area it is “blown” into and dissipates over
the following three rounds, much in the manner a normal cloud of mundane
bubbles would, by popping.
Anyone who is in the area of effect on any given round is subject to
the effects of the vitriolic bubbles, and must make a saving throw. Those
who fail their saving throw suffer normal damage from the vitriolic bubbles.
Those who successfully save suffer half damage from the vitriolic bubbles.
Anyone in the area of effect in the first round of the spell’s duration
suffer acidic damage as hundreds of tiny vitriolic bubbles pop in the air
around them, spraying them with a fine mist of acid. These unfortunates
suffer 1d4 point of damage per level of the caster. Those in the area of
effect during the second round suffer 1d3 points per level of the caster to a
maximum of 10d3 damage. Those in the area on the third round suffer 1
point of damage per two levels of the caster. However, the caster may walk
through this cloud of bubbles with impunity, suffering no damage to
himself or his possessions.
In addition, anyone wearing or carrying metal items who are affected
by the first round’s spell effects must make saving throws for their items
with a +2 bonus to their saves. The extent of the damage caused to such
items is at the DM’s discretion, but would probably reflect only superficial
damage to most items and possible destruction to smaller items or items
made from very soft metals.
The material components for this spell are the venom sac from a
mature spitting cobra and a small piece of lavender soap. Both components
are consumed by the casting of this spell.

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