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54 / Section One: Personal Effectiveness

14. Levels of are a better predictor of college academic success

than SAT scores or high school GP~s.
15. Defensive pessimists need to and in order to per-
form at their best.
16. History shows that the most political candidates typi-
cally win elections.

Essay Questions

1. What is the main difference between Determinism and Free Will?

2. Which theory of human behavior is the most deterministic and why?
3. What drives mankind according to the Humanistic theorists?
4. Differentiate the Cognitive-Behaviorists from the strict Behaviorists.
5. What are the characteristics of a proactive student?
6. What are the three areas that you need to focus on in order to increase
your pro activity?
7. According to Bandura, what steps would you follow in order to increase
your level of self-efficacy?
8. Describe the three steps of cognitive restructuring.
9. Explain whether causation can be inferred from correlation.
10. How does optimism differ Irorn repeating positive affirmations to your-
11. Explain hbw pessimism is incompatible with proactivity.
12. What is the difference between Hexible/realistic optimism and wishful
13. Describe the difference between how pessimists and optimists perceive
and interpret reality.
14. Describe your favorite strategy for promoting an optimistic outlook.
15. How does defensive pessimism differ from dispositional pessimism?

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