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A Microbiological Assessment on the 5 Most commonly eaten Street Foods by the Nursing Students of St.

University Philippines

Name (optional): ____________________ Year: ___________

1. What street foods do you usually eat? (check five)

__ isaw __ lumpia
__ balat ng baboy __ shanghai
__ betamax/dugo __ fishballs
__ tenga ng baboy/walkman __ squidballs
__ balun-balunan/gizzard __ kikiam
__ tokneneng __
__ chicken balls __

2. How often do you eat street foods?

__ everyday
__ 2-3 times a week
__ 3-4 times a week
__ 4-5 times a week
__ 5-6 times a week

3. Why do you eat street foods? (check only one)

Because of it is…

__ affordable
__ accessible
__ palatable

4. Are you aware of the health consequences brought about by eating street foods?

__ Yes
__ No

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