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Greenhouse effect

Greenhouse effect is the gradual (grédual) and slight (slaight) warming of the air (ér)
surrounding the earth.

Greenhouse effect is said (séd) to be caused (cored) by pollution in the air (ér) because it this
thickens the layer of the atmosphere and so heat cannot escape through its upper levels.

This is a problem even (ivan )in Milhundos where I live because in our everyday life, we burn
fossil fuels or wood products or solid waste and every time we do this , carbon dioxide is
released into the atmosphere….

2º Parte

So each(ich) one of us(as) the cause of greenhouse effect but each(ich) of us (as) can make
choices to change that.

What can we do?

Will you want to help? (so listen)

We can take care with the cars we drive( prefer the electric ), the things we buy(prefer eco
friendly products) the power we use( prefer clean electricity ) and those little daily (deily)
gestures such (sach),as to take the waste to the collection point to recycle…

If we take these small steps, we can stop our individual carbon emissions the solution is in our

If we are determined (determainid) to make them happen

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