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Laser Stop Smoking

1) Nicotine replacement therapy

It is an effective and popular aid for smoking cessation. This particular therapy is aimed at
supplying nicotine externally to the body through numerous forms like nicotine patches, gum,
inhaler, lozenges, nasal spray and sublingual tablets. When the body gets nicotine in such forms
it will no longer craves cigarettes, which aside from including nicotine, is also made up of 4,000
additional damaging chemical substances.
Therefore, nicotine replacement therapy helps to protect you from the dangerous chemicals and
simultaneously reduces your withdrawal discomforts.

Furthermore, this laser stop smoking therapy will give you an opportunity to escape the smoking
habits in your everyday life and offers you a more painless and convenient experience for you to
stop smoking. In order to obtain the ideal results from this particular treatment you have to use it
along with getting support from family and friends or even a professional counselor.

2) Free nicotine medications to quit smoking

At present, this is the most highly developed aids for smoking cessation. The nicotine-free
medications which can be found in the marketplace consist of Varenicline Tartrate (Chantix) and
Bupropion Hydrochloride (Zyban). These two medications are authorized by the US Food and
drug administration as a prescription drug for smoking cessation.

These medications are well suited for people who are determined to quit, yet find it difficult to
do so through the cold turkey approach because of symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. Those two
can help to relieve symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.

The active component in these medications imitates the effects of nicotine in the brain. These
products induce the brain to discharge dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter reliable for the
feelings of fulfillment and well-being.

Some other methods of quitting smoking

In order to avoid negative effects connected with smoking cessation medicines and nicotine
replacement therapy, most individuals are now using alternative treatments to quit such as:

3) Acupuncture

Most people are benefiting from acupuncture, which is a historical Chinese technique of healing.
This will involve inserting tiny needles directly into certain areas of the body to induce nerve

This laser stop smoking therapy aims at discharging endorphins, also called the feel good
hormones and this will encourage a sense of well-being and contentment as well as keep the
mind from withdrawal symptoms.
4) Hypnosis

This approach is aimed at continuously reminding the smoker of the dangerous effects of
cigarette smoking and implementing it strongly within your subconscious thoughts. Your
therapist can give you audiotapes or CDs to play throughout the day whilst carrying out your
daily duties and also during sleep. Basically, the success of this approach will depend on your
desire to be hypnotized.

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