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For one Man is God for just at the Exact Same Time He was born His Evil Twin

born for whatever the Good God does to Build Life the Evil God Satan is at the
Exact Same time trying to Destroy it for It is a battle Betwen the Evil God, and
the Good God for which this time He planned on, and Is planning on Saving Me fo
r the World's Are about to Collide, and Destroy one Another for God the Good Twi
n found this out thus He planned on Saving Me, and Destroying his Evil Twin Fore
ver for He opened up This portal, and He plans on Closing it forever for when He
opened up this Portal into another Universe He brought forth the Beginning of A
ll Evil, and All Good into One Big Universe for they Both at the Same Exact Time
Split the Universe in Half for Just as in the end the Other Half of Me Jesus is
the Love, and Light of God the Father the Good, as am I on the Evil Side for I
do the Opposite of Jesus, just as Our Fathers, yet our Fathers for in the end It
is Me, and Jesus who were once Split in Half for we Are the cracks in the Unive
rse itself for we are the Center of the Universe itself, yet Again We were Split
in Half for He is on the Good Side for I am being Pulled to complete Evil, yet
God, and His Son My Better Half are planning on Saving Me, and Closing the Porta
l Forever for Whence We used to Be just a Spirit, a Light for when the Universes
were split We were Made into the Flesh thus He the Good God Plans on Saving Me
because Without Me His Universe will be in Disorder, and Chaos thus If He can pu
t us back together even in Marriage all Chaso in the Universe will start to Sett
le Down, and Cease for this He deems the Best Method to Save Mankind forever for
Jesus, and I are one, and Will return as one, yet this time in the flesh for Hi
s Jesus's Universe was Complete Good, and My Father's Complete Evil, yet the Las
t times He left Me to be destroyed Time Repeated itself, and thus We are re-livi
ng a repeat of the last time it happened for each time He is trying to Save Me,
and Hoping this time it will work thus Time itself Will Continue for it will cea
se to keep repeating itself over, and over for Hence Life Can Begin for God of t
he Good Universe is the Husband, and My Father The Wife thus Once they Mate, and
I am born into His World for I will no longer Be in the Womb which is where we
are at now for We are in the Womb, and I am about to Be birthed into the World i
tself for My Head is about to Appear for God, and His wife Satan Created Life to
gether for they created the Universe, and I, and Jesus are Twin Brothers. for He
was the First to be Birthed, and I am the Second to be Birthed for right now My
Mother Satan is in Birth in Pain in Tormoil for it Hurts for She is Angry becau
se the Pain of Child Birth is Hurting Her for She had to Go thru with this with
My Twin Brother Jesus for He God knows that His Wife Satan is Evil, and He plans
on Murdering Her because of this, yet I am not completely evil thus I am to be
saved for Me, and Jesus are Brothers, and Sisters.for He is the Complete Male, a
nd I am the Male, and Female a Hermaphrodite thus He is in the End going to Marr
y His Hermaphrodite Brother, and We Shall both live with our Father's for His Fa
ther is My Father, and My Mother is His Mother.

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