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Name_______________________ Period_______ Date_________________

Essential questions: Chapter 6 The New Republic

1. Why was the US respected by few countries? P192

2. What two extraordinary leaders did the Electoral College elect President and
Vice-president? P192-3
3. What did the Judiciary Act of 1789 establish? P193
4. Who did Washington nominate to head the major departments of the executive
branch of government? P193
5. Explain Hamilton’s plan for paying down the national debt and establishing the
nation’s financial credibility? P194
6. Why did the southern states oppose Hamilton’s economic plan? P194-5
7. Why did Hamilton favor a loose construction of the Constitution? P195
8. Why did Jefferson and Madison favor a strict construction of the Constitution?
9. Why did Jefferson and Madison disagree with Hamilton’s economic plan? P195
10. What compromise did Hamilton and Jefferson reach? P195
11. How did Hamilton and Washington respond to the Whiskey Rebellion? P195
12. What two political parties emerged during Washington’s Presidency? What sort
of people did each part attract? P197 -199
13. Why do you think the British provided the Miami Indians with arms and
ammunition? P198
14. How did the Democratic-Republicans and the Federalists respond to the French
Revolution? P199
15. Why did both parties stay neutral in the war between Britain and France? P199
16. What favorable concessions did the US obtain with Jay and Pinckney’s Treaty?

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