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Name________________________ Period______ Date_________________

Chapter 12 A New South

1. Explain Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction. P197

2. Why did the Radical Republicans disagree with Lincoln’s plan for reconstruction?
3. In 1865 Congress passed the Freedmen’s Bureau. How did it help people in need?
4. How did Andrew Johnson become President? Why did the Radical Republicans
oppose him? P199
5. How did the Black codes violate the rights of African Americans? P109
6. Why were the Radical Republicans against the Black Codes? P199
7. Explain why Congress added the 14th and 15th Amendment to the Constitution?
P200 and 208
8. Explain how sharecropping kept African Americans poor? P202
9. Why did Carpetbaggers dislike Scalawags? P202-4
10. Why did the Radical Republicans try to impeach President Johnson? Why did
their attempt to impeach him fail? P206
11. Why do you think Ulysses S. Grant won the election of 1868? P206
12. Why did President Hayes and the Radical Republicans end Reconstruction? P209
13. How did Jim Crow laws violate the rights of African Americans? P210
14. How did the Literacy Law and Poll Tax prevent African Americans from voting?
15. Why did African Americans fear lynchings and the KKK? P212

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