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What i learnt from this class was that for teaching a language; firstly, you
should know it and use it in a very effectively way. It’s not sufficient knowing
only gramer rules, or having a language ability. To teach a second language, the
language should be completely under your control with its culture,its
characteristics and its fields. You should also have psycological and sociological
perspectives of the language.

This week, we touched upon some questions about language such as “who
teach language? who learn language? How, why and when they learn or teach
languge?..” We talked about them and i learnt that language is not only taught
in classroom. Actually it is acquired in social environment more actively.
Interaction is also very important in learning and teaching language.Of course
they are only some of them i learnt.

This is the first acqusition class i’ve ever taken. Fortunately, from the first class
my prejudices are cleared away. May be the lesson is difficult but i belive that i
can succeed it! Because; i love the stuff about linguistics, languge, language
acqusition and like that.. At least, this week i had not difficulty in figuring out
something about the lesson.

When i teach language, i belive the information which i got this lesson is very
beneficial for me. Firstly, i am aware of some facts; for example, I should
consider the students desires, their feelings, their psychology, their social
environment.. i should find something that make the students motivate and
relax to teach them the language effectively..


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