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You can't read a book; attend a lecture or a seminar on success without getting

the proverbial advice telling you that you should dream big. Nothing wrong with
that… so long as you keep both feet on the ground.

The big dream is like the North Star. If the dream is really big, it should be used
mainly as a navigation tool to keep you sailing on course toward your eventual
objective and not as an immediate concern.

The reason for that is simple. Before a really big goal can be tackled, it has to be
cut down in chewable bite size. You don't set out to earn a million dollars if you
are currently earning $25,000 a year.

What needs to be done is keep and eye on the ultimate goal but concentrate on
the next step which might be to double your income the next year and so on until
the final objective of a million is achieved.

The problem with big dreams is that they have a tendency to put you to sleep.
You keep on searching for the perfect plan or formula that will allow you to
reach that goal. It simply does not exist. A large building is built one brick at the
time and so are big objectives.

Success requires being both idealistic and realistic. It requires lofty and grand
thinking but at the same time it demands some practical applications. Success is
about opening the mind to what could be, the dream, but it's also about logic,
how to get there.

To succeed we need a plan and an overall view of the final objective. The
overall view is the first step that has to be taken. That overall view has to be
very clearly defined. We must know exactly what the final objective will look
like and will feel like. We need to know why we believe that it is so important
for us to achieve this goal and exactly what we intend to sacrifice to get it.

Nothing is free. In order to acquire anything we have to give something. That's a

frequently overlooked fact. The price that has to be paid is relative to what we
expect to gain. It would be naïve to think otherwise but it is frequently done.

Once we know exactly what we are reaching for, an incremental plan of

execution has to be started. That is, we must make a plan for each separate step
that will have to be taken in order to reach the final objective.

As an example, if we wanted to build a hotel, the first step would be to have an

architect draw the plan for the building. That would be the overall view. Then
would come the incremental plans that would consist of: the financing, finding
the location, getting a building contractor, buying the furniture etc.

The incremental plans of executions consist of setting up the strategies that will
be used to implement each different phase of the project. It's the breaking down
of a large undertaking into chewable bite size.  It's the roadmap that will be
followed to the desired destination.

To succeed, we have to dream big. We have to dream big but we must also be
practical. Dreams, by themselves, never serve practical purposes. That's the
reason why we must be a bit weary of those big dreams. It's easy to get lost in
our dreams and never achieve anything worthwhile. To achieve, we have to be
dreamers… but we also need to be incremental doers.
Are you consistently chasing success? Once you achieve it, do you desperately try to continue the
pattern of making it happen again? Isn't it time you got off the success-go-round? Here are 8 tips
to help you make the transition from inconsistency to steady flow of success.

1. Know Your Core Values.

What do your truly value in your life? If you're struggling to come up with an answer, then maybe
it's time you reevaluated your values. You might know what values your parents instilled in you,
but you need to be clear on what you stand for and what is important in your life. Do you value
honesty, integrity or trust? By knowing your core values you will seek them in the relationships you
form with others. List your top five core values and live by them. Start to examine if your core
values match the goals you are trying to achieve. Your values are essential to success.

2. Be Honest With Yourself.

Don't kid yourself about who you are or what you love to do. If you're trying to impress or win the
approval of others by being successful, you success will be unauthentic. Is the "real" you showing
up everyday? It is empowering to some to have a great job title or a prospering business, but if at
the end of the day, you feel empty, tired or dissatisfied; it's time to be honest with yourself. You
can't present yourself as someone in control at work, when you know deep inside you feel that you
have no control over your life. Success is only temporary when you are not living a self-actualized
life. Passion for your life and your work makes you thrive. Only when you are honest with yourself
about who you are and what you really love to do can you start to experience a steady flow of

3. Don't Let Your Emotions Run the Show.

If you're happy when life is great and going as planned, but fall apart when you are faced with
challenges and obstacles, you allow your emotions to run the show. If people can clearly tell when
things are not going well for you, it's time to get your emotions in check. Life is not predictable.
Plans will not always run as smoothly as expected, but it is important that you maintain your
composure during these times. Don't let your beliefs have power over the situation. If you allow
sadness, anger or fear to take over, you will find it more difficult each time to bounce back after a
set-back. Get to know your emotional triggers; what makes you angry, sad or afraid and then
create a plan for coping with them when they arise.

4. Be Flexible With Your Plans.

Being too rigid and unwavering with plans can lead to disappointment. While setting plans and
goals are ideal for making success happen, you have to accept that sometimes you may have to
alter those plans. It's a good idea to have a back-up just in case things don't go the way you
expected. Don't allow minor setbacks to make you cancel your plans altogether, but have faith that
you will find another way to get things done. Take detours if it is necessary. Be open to ideas and
suggestions from those you trust. You will find another way if you are willing to receive what is
being offered to you.

5. Don't Let Success Be the Center of Your Life.

Success should not be at the center of your life. There are many more important things that you
need to tend you. When you neglect or postpone what is important in your life, you will find that
you are chasing success just to have more time, more energy and more money to enjoy life. It
doesn't happen that way. Set aside time to work on your career goals, business plan, life plan, etc,
then continue with our life. If you're always on the look-out for success, it will rarely come. Have
you heard the expression: "A watched phone never rings."? Be patient and don't try to rush
success. Learn to let go and you will see a transformation in yourself and your success plans.

6. Share What You Know or What You Have.

If you have a grip hold on success, but are not willing to share your knowledge, your time or your
resources, chances are success will break free from you. Give of yourself and you will always be
given. Don't be afraid to share your knowledge even with a competitor because it the long run, you
will benefit more from it. Volunteer, if you have the time.

7. Ask for What You Want and Believe You Will Receive It.

Do you state clearly your goals or desires? Depending on your faith or religious affiliation, pray,
meditate and ask for what you want. Once you get it, don't stop asking. We often make the
mistake of asking for what we want and then we either give up because it hasn't come in our
anticipated time or we stop asking because we got what we wanted. You should never stop asking,
because you are only halfway. When you stop asking you don't allow more blessings to come into
your life. If you only ask periodically or when things are going bad, then you are asking out of
desperation. Ask continuously, and ask with the conviction that it will come to realization.

8. Stay in the Success Momentum.

The best way to keep from sabotaging your success is to stay in the success mindset. Giving in to
financial or career blues can deter you from your goals. Keep away from people or situations that
sap your energy or keep you stuck. Build a network of people that will challenge, support and
motivate you when your outlook becomes distorted. Develop strategies that will help you to deal
with rejections, disappointments and regrets. Lighten up and know don't be yourself up for every
little mistake you make. Take charge of all your trying situations and know that "this too shall
5 Tips on Feeling and Looking Youthful
Want to recapture or hold on to your youth? These simple everyday steps promise to bring
vitality and vibrancy to your life.

Staying young is not merely superficial. Our looks, thoughts, feelings and performance are
revealing. Preserving our youth is all about feeling good, increasing energy levels and
maintaining good health. So are there easier, cheaper and more natural ways of staying

Drink Lots of Water

Over 70% of our body consists of water, so it is an essential component for the proper
functioning of our cells. Water regulates our body temperature and enhances blood
circulation. When our body runs low on water it is like a car running low on fuel and this
leads to imbalances in our body as our cardiovascular system has to work harder to pump
blood around the body. Drinking sufficient amounts of water each day aids our kidneys in
ridding our body of toxins and metabolic wastes and keeps our energy levels up.

Exercise Regularly
Exercising builds denser and stronger bones which helps lowers the risk of osteoporosis as we
age. In our increasingly sedentary and lethargic lifestyles, obesity and fatigue are
commonplace. Regular exercise and movement serve to boost our energy levels and mental
alertness by sending more blood to the brain and more oxygen absorption by our brain cells. It
can also boost serotonin levels, a chemical in our brain that stimulates calmness and that
“happy feeling” and keeps stress and depression at bay.

Enjoy Hearty Laughs

A good hearty laugh provides great physical release by exercising our diaphragm, abdominals
and upper body. It relaxes our muscles and aids our mental, emotional and spiritual health.
Each time we laugh or smile endorphins - the body’s natural pain killer - are released while
excess stress hormones like cortisol are reduced. This helps us relieve pain, stress and
sickness. It also connects us to others in a positive manner, increasing our social energy. So
choose comedy shows, funny movies and humorous stories over gossip, horror flicks or
violent computer games.

Be with Children, Be a Child

To feel younger, simply play like you did when you were younger. Spend time and play with
kids whenever you can; wonder, laugh and marvel with them. Feel free to let your inner child
emerge and join in their worry-free imagination and innocence. Even if you cannot physically
catch up with them or participate in their games, being around their laughter, spontaneity and
energy is invigorating and helps you fight ageing.

Adopt a Healthy Mindset

A healthy mindset and positive attitude are essential to staying young. Negative thoughts and
undue worrying reduce pleasure and raise stress levels, resulting in our performing poorly in
life. Cognitive psychologists believe that it is our thoughts, and not external events, that
determine our moods – it is how we respond to what happens, rather than what happens itself,
that determines how we feel. If something can be changed, change it. If it cannot be changed,
then change the way you look at it. And we can learn to do this first by noticing our negative
thoughts and substituting them with more useful and positive ones. By looking on the bright
side of life we can create success, happiness and a healthier mind and body.

Ageing does not have to be painful. And feeling youthful certainly does not have to be
difficult nor expensive. All it takes is a consistent habit of healthy living; water, exercise,
laughs, child-likeness and positive attitude.
Easy ways to cut calries and lose weight fast

Losing excess weight is not an easy task. It requires strict monitoring of the diet, regular
exercising and making few changes in the life-style. Sometimes food or certain drinks which
come in diet free versions can be substituted in place of the original food. This will not
compromise on the type of food but keep a check on the fat and calorie content which are the
major culprits in weight gain.

Some ways to check weight gain by slight changes in the type of food or drinks include:

• Have soft drinks which are diet versions to cut the calorie content by as much as 100
percent. Opt for soda made using synthetic sweeteners rather than sugar.
• Substitute foods like mayonnaise, dressings on salads, yogurt, cream cheese, milk and even
sour cream with versions low in fat content.
• Substitute cream and sugar in drinks like coffee with skimmed milk and calorie free
• Use smaller sized plates for serving oneself. A 10-inch plate instead of a 12-inch plate will
reduce the amount of serving by 30 percent.
• One should have plenty of water to assist in digestion and reducing the appetite levels and
have fluids or water when thirsty and not substitute it with a snack.
• Avoid too many snack intervals between meals. One can substitute snack with a warm fluid
to appease the hunger and in turn keep the body hydrated. Tea made using flowers, spices or
fruit is a good alternative.
• A snack should not be fried or fatty. Instead a salad with greens, radishes, olives or rice
cakes should be preferred.
Easy Ways to Cut 100 Calories a Day

Calorie counting for weight loss may seem daunting, but cutting calories does not have to be
nearly as difficult as it sounds. By making a few simple changes, you can easily cut 100
calories per day; that's 700 calories per week. It takes a deficit of 3,500 calories to lose 1
lb. Using some simple tips to cut 100 calories per day will enable you to trim 3,100
calories--or nearly 1 lb., in 31 days. Combine them to cut even more calories, and you'll
drop pounds more quickly.

Cut Liquid Calories

One of the easiest ways to cut calories is by switching or lightening up on liquid calories;
specifically, sugar-laden beverages. Trade in 10 oz. of your regular soda for diet soda or
choose 8 oz. sugar-free lemonade in place of 8 oz. regular, prepared lemonade. Even
healthy beverages can be full of calories, such as 100 percent fruit juice. Instead of
drinking 12 oz. of orange juice with breakfast, eat a whole orange. You'll cut calories and
add a few grams of dietary fiber to boot.

You can still enjoy "fun" beverages, such as chocolate milk and alcohol and cut calories at
the same time. Substitute 1 cup of skim milk with 1 tsp. chocolate syrup for 1 cup of
commercial whole chocolate milk and drink two 12 oz. light beers instead of two regular

Modify Your Main Meals

Breakfast is still the most important meal of the day, but that doesn't mean it has to be
calorie-laden. Substitute 3 oz. turkey sausage for the same amount of pork sausage; top
your whole-grain waffles with 3 tbsp. sugar-free pancake syrup instead of 3 tbsp. regular
maple syrup or top your whole grain bagel with 1.5 oz of fat-free cream cheese in place of
full-fat cream cheese.

Trimming calories from your lunch and dinner meals is painless and may be as simple as
slightly reducing portion sizes or making an easy swap such as choosing minestrone soup in
place of broccoli cheddar. Eat your chicken breast skinless versus skin-on or take half of
your 6-oz. steak home in a doggie bag (eat only 3 oz). If you're game, lose the meat all-
together on your thin-crust pizza (substitute with veggies) for a significant calorie savings.
Bread can be a main source of calories so it's an easy place to cut back. For example, eat
your hamburger or sandwich open-faced (without the top of the bun).

Use Low- or Non-Fat Condiments

This category may just be the easiest for trimming calories. You won't sacrifice flavor, just
calories by switching to low- or non-fat condiments or cutting down on your portion sizes.
Start with your salad by drizzling 2 tsp. of creamy ranch dressing on your salad instead of
heaping on 2 tbsp. Use 3 tsp. Dijonnaise for sandwich spreads or salads in place of tsp.
regular mayonnaise.
Side dishes can be another condiment calorie trap. Top your potato with 3 oz. of fat free
sour cream, plain yogurt or even salsa in lieu of regular sour cream or enjoy 1/2 cup of
steamed fresh broccoli (plain) instead of 1/2 cup of frozen broccoli topped with cheese
Top 10 easy ways to cut calories
Nutrition Team

There are two ways to lose weight – burn more calories or eat less of them. It sounds
simple right? So why is it so difficult to lose weight?

Well, with our top 10, easy-to-follow tips to trimming calories painlessly, there are no more
excuses... 1. Switch to lower calorie versions of the foods you normally eat
- Switching from whole milk to semi-skimmed milk will save you around 56 calories and
6.5g fat a day if you use ½ pint a day. Over the course of a year, this simple change could
save you 5lbs of body fat! And think of the other changes you could make – yoghurt,
margarine, crisps, mayonnaise, salad dressing and even garlic bread all have lower calorie
versions. But do be careful - fat free doesn't equal calorie free! Many reduced fat products
have extra sugar added to maintain the taste and texture we enjoy so read those nutrition
labels to make sure the lower fat version isn't actually higher in calories or more unhealthy
than the original!

2. Snack smart
- That means planning what you eat between meals. Don’t leave it to chance and end up
having whatever is in the nearest vending machine - bring your own snacks with you! Opt
for low fat, low calorie snacks like cereal and milk, crackers and breads, popcorn, rice
cakes, wholegrain cereal bars, veggie sticks, dried, tinned or fresh fruit and low fat

3. Eat breakfast
- It might sound strange to say ‘eat to lose weight', but research indicates that eating
breakfast can prevent excessive eating throughout the day. It's also a great way to kick-
start that metabolism and start burning calories!

4. Watch how you cook

- Cut way back on fried foods and use the minimum of oil when you griddle, sauté or stir-
fry. You don't have to say goodbye to your favourites - simply cook them in the oven
instead of in fat! Boiling, steaming and grilling are also low fat ways to cook.

5. Choose leaner cuts of meat

- Limit your intake of processed meats like bacon, sausages and sausage-type luncheon
meats like pepperoni or salami to cut calories. Choose the leanest cuts of meat that you
can afford and always remove the skin from poultry. Choose white meat whenever

6. Have a smarter starter

- Begin each meal with a large salad or a bowl of veggie-packed soup to fill you up and
prevent over-eating at the dinner table.
7. Reduce your portion sizes
- Try cutting down by a third. The chances are you don’t need the extra calories and you
don’t need to feel quite so full. It will help to try to eat more slowly so that you will begin
to feel full as you eat. This will take a bit of getting used to but you will get used to it!
Obviously, the number of calories you save depends on what you are eating, but over time
this could save you pounds.

8. You don’t have to finish what’s on your plate

- Cancel your membership to the clean plate club, especially when you are eating out or
having take aways. You don't have to waste half your meal - doggie bags are the perfect
way to enjoy two fair-sized meals instead of one pig-out portion!

9. Be food aware
- Start reading food labels. Sometimes it can be difficult to know which foods are laden in
calories and it’s easy to get caught out by clever marketing. Read articles on food and
nutrition in the newspapers, magazines, on the net and here in our News section. You
can’t cut calories without nutrition know-how.

10. Watch what you drink

- You’d be amazed how much drinks can add to your daily intake of calories. Take a typical
day – a glass of orange juice for breakfast (72 calories in 200ml), a coffee with sugar at
break time (20 calories), a can of coke through the afternoon (129 calories) and a couple
of glasses of wine with dinner (approximately 200 calories). Not exactly excessive but the
total is around 420 calories! Watch the serving sizes when drinking juice or milk and try to
stick to water as much as possible. Try gradually giving up sugar in your tea and coffee and
switching to low sugar drinks for a week. It will make a big difference to your calorie intake.

Health and Fitness:

As the saying goes "Health is Wealth", we all know how important ones health is.
Staying fit and healthy is what we all want. Fitness makes us want to live life every
day. You have to eat right, exercise, quit bad habits like smoking and drinking, free
from stress and maintain good hygiene to be healthy.

Follow these rules to stay fit and healthy:

Eat healthy:
Good nutritious food is important for our body. The human body needs to have nutrients
whether through eating food or taking supplements. Say no to junk food as they do not
help but only make you gain weight. Add a lot of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Avoid
eating fatty meats. If you are a vegetarian than certain benefits like iron and B-12 that you
get from eating meat would not be provided so in exchange for the meat you should take
supplements. Watch the amount of sugar you take. Reduction of sugar is important to good
health; therefore always check out the sugar content of anything you eat even if it appears
to be healthy. Cut down on fat consumption by taking low fat cheese, cottage cheese, milk
and cream. Nuts should be included in your diet.

Quit Smoking:
Smoking kills. It is injurious to health but many a times we conveniently not pay attention
to it and do not want about the effect it has on our health. Even smoking a few cigarettes
a day can hurt your health. Many people say that smoking helps relieve stress but that is
not so, it's just that they want to believe that it does. Though it is difficult to quit smoking
but with a little help from people around you, who cares about your well being you can do
it. You need to make up your mind and with will power and determination it is possible.
Smoking can cause various health problems like lung infection, cancer; kidney infection
etc. So improve your health and quit smoking today.

Reduce Stress:
Stress can disturb your health. It can also disturb your sleep thus giving you headaches and
insomnia. It is important to relieve yourself from stress to stay healthy. A sound mind gives
a healthy body. There are ways you can relieve from stress. Try and do something you like
and not think about anything negative. Pamper your body and your soul. Go for a massage
or soak in a hot tub, exercise, do yoga and meditate, read a good book or play with your
pets, listen to some good music. These are said to be great stress busters.

Follow a good hygiene. It is reported that those having bad hygiene often fall sick. Free
your body from bacteria. Take bath regularly and wear clean clothes. Also it is important
to follow a good dental hygiene to have healthy teeth. Floss your teeth everyday.

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