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How to Lose Weight Fast

The fact you’re here, suggests you’re in a rush to lose weight – and fast! Luckily there are a
number of things you can do to speed up your weight loss. Of course, you don’t want to
sacrifice your health and well-being at the expense of looking good do you?
That said there are some diets that while not entirely endorsed by a nutritionist, they’re still much
safer and more effective than starving youself or downing dodgy diet pills. What follows is a
way to shed unwanted pounds and inches fast, but don’t make a habit of doing it. The trick here
is to try what’s called the Cabbage Soup Diet. This diet works very well. It’s nothing new; it’s
been around for almost thirty years.
The reason why it works is because your body uses more calories to digest cabbage than the
amount that it derives from cabbage. This is what’s called anegative calorie diet. You’ve likely
heard that it’s good to eat lots of celery when trying to lose weight because your body burns
more energy trying to digest the celery – this is the same idea with the cabbage soup diet. But
you know you can’t function during your busy day on just celery alone. That’s why the cabbage
soup diet is so wonderful.
Cabbage soup is high in fiber and very low in calories, thus it helps you to feel fuller than you
would were you to nibble on celery and veggies or to go on a juice fast. As for making cabbage
soup, there are several recipes that show how. The soup usually consists of cabbage, onions,
peppers, mushrooms, carrots, celery and spices. Each day, during this diet, you’ll eat the soup –
as much as you want. On top of that, there is a 7-day routine of foods to supplement your diet

On day one, you can eat all the fruit you want sans bananas as well as all the cabbage soup you
want. As for drinks, only water, tea or cranberry juice is recommended.

On day two, you can eat all the vegetables you want, but do not eat any dried beans, peas or corn.
Just stick with raw, fresh or cooked veggies – without fats, sauces or butter. For your dinner this
day you may eat one baked potato with butter. You’re welcome to eat all the cabbage soup you

Next, on day three, you can eat all the fruits and vegetables you want from day two and day
three’s allotted foods, but do not eat the baked potato.

On day four, it’s suggested you drink all the skimmed milk you desire, and you can eat up to
eight bananas as well as all the cabbage soup you want.
You’ll love day five, that’s because you can eat ten to twenty ounces of beef or if you like,
skinless chicken or grilled/broiled fish. It’s also suggested that you drink at least ten glasses of
water, and eat up to six fresh tomatoes.

After day six rolls around, you can eat all the beef, vegetables and cabbage soup you like.
However it’s important to note that on this day you cannot substitute beef with skinless chicken
or grilled/broiled fish. Also, you cannot eat a baked potato on this day either.

Finally on day seven, you can have all the unsweetened fruit juices, brown rice and vegetables
you want along with at least one bowl of soup.

Keep in mind, this diet is absolutely not recommended for long-term use. You may want to
check with a doctor, physician or nutritionist before trying it. This is just one of many ways of
how you can lose weight fast.

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