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Asia has given rise to great empires and cultures that have simultaneously threatened and
enriched their neighbours. As the Qing dynasty, the greatest of all the empires weakend the
imperialist powers began to see the region and specifically China as the great prize. The
injustices perpetuated in the era gave rise to numerous political struggles for independence, the
establishment of communist regimes and in some countries.

Asia is the world's largest continent, encompassing Russia (the largest country), China
and India (with the greatest populations), and small island nations such as East Timor, Taiwan,
and the Maldives. Explore the histories and cultures of Asia's various and varied nations.

Warriors of Asia

Throughout Asian history, different nations have produced classes of

fierce military men and women. From the samurai of Japan to the Cossacks of Central Asia and
Eastern Europe, these are the warriors of Asia.

Asian Historical Figures

For thousands of years, Asia has produced some of humanity's fiercest
conquerors, most important philosophical and religious thinkers, and greatest artists.

*While Africa is thought to be the birthplace of the human species, Asia is considered the

cradle of civilization. There never has been a single Asian civilization, however, because the
continent’s vast size caused several different civilizations to arise, each independent of the
others. This article examines the interactions and successions of these civilizations. Additional
information on the countries or regions mentioned is in the history sections of articles on the
individual Asian countries.

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