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Hydroponic growing is becoming a very famous gardening practice as hydroponic technology moves

forward. Hydroponic Growing is similar to ne other form of growing, only thing which differs is the use
of soil. In Hydroponics water is the only medium used for growing, other than soil. The nutrients and the
fertilizers are directly mixed into the water.

The Hydroponic Systems

A typical Hydroponic growing system consists of plants being suspended into a water based nutrient
solution. The Hydroponics create a similar environment to that of nature so that any plant can grow
without the use of soil.

Benefits of Hydroponic Growing

 Good crop yields.

 Ability to garden in any place and area.
 Inexpensive.
 Less labor.
 Fast growing plants.
 Plants are free of soil diseases and other problems.
 Growing conditions are controlled by the gardener.

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