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Soil contains all the important components for the growth of plants. It provides nutrients,

water and other essential materials. For the successful growth of plants. All the important

beneficial process such as nitrogen fixation, providing moisture and whole plants generation

happen due to presence of soil Plants, however, needs a large space and open field to grow

whereas in the urban areas space is one of the limiting factors for any type of agriculture

production. To overcome this limitation, hydroponics was developed by plant scientists

recently. Soil contains all the important components for the growth of plants. It provides

nutrients, water and other essential materials. For the successful growth of plants. All the

important beneficial process such as nitrogen fixation, providing moisture and whole plants

generation happen due to presence of soil Plants, however, needs a large space and open field

to grow whereas in the urban areas space is one of the limiting factors for any type of

agriculture production. To overcome this limitation, hydroponics was developed by plant

scientists recently.

The term hydroponics was derived from the Greek word "hydro" means water and ponos"

means labor (Sardare, 2013). This system is most effective to help face challenges of climate

changes and also helps in production of crops and vegetables which is 100% safer to eat. For

hydroponics technology, no soil is required to grow some selected demanded crops. It is also

termed as soil less culture technique where crops are grown in liquid based nutrient rich

solutions under green house. As it is well known hydroponics does not require any soil,

where root system is supported using inert medium such as clay pellets, pertile, gravels.

(Cramer, 2002). The purpose behind this is to allow the plants roots to come in direct contact
with nutrients solutions, while having access to oxygen, which is essential for proper growth

(Anuragputra, 2015).

Today farmers are slowly increasing their use of hydroponics, and researchers are

exploring possibilities for it uses, hence this study.


The use of hydroponics farming in the production of vegetables will result in a significant

increase in plant growth and development compared to plants grown. Specifically, the

researchers hypothesize that this kind of farming will provide essential nutrients and promote

healthy soil, leading to increased root development, foliage growth, and yield of vegetables.

Furthermore, we predict that there will be significant effect in terms of benefiting the

environmental through the use of recyclable cups and water conservation.

No soil erosion and weeds

Field farming has caused nearly half of the world's soil to erode over the past 100 years, limiting
the amount of arable land that people can access. Soil erosion is not a problem with hydroponic systems
because they don't require soil to grow crops.

Weeds are the same way. Weeds cannot grow in an environment that hydroponically produced
plants can. Weeds do not typically receive seeds in hydroponic systems, even though they grow very
similarly to all other plants that can be grown in these environments. Your plants will get all the
nutrients they need if you get rid of the weeds.

Higher Yield

Fewer Pesticides

Water Conservation

Hydroponic systems require between 80 and 90 percent less water than plants grown in the
ground, despite the fact that they rely on water to grow plants. In traditional gardening, the soil is
sprayed with copious amounts of water to enable sufficient moisture to reach the root zone. Only a
portion of the water that travels through the soil reaches the roots due to evaporation.

With hydroponics, little water is lost to evaporation and it reaches the roots right away. To
further increase water efficiency, the nutrient solution is frequently circulated several times before
being deemed useless and disposed of.

Nutrient Control

pH Control

require less labor

Environmental impact

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