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Mistaken identity

Sleeping peacefully, Kamarl woke up like an alarm

clock and raced down the stairs. Kamarl was a
intrepid man but his evil brother Morjrid was out to get
the amazing and apt brother into jail, last time Morjrid
told Kamarl that there’s money for him the bank, and
Kamarl tried to take it but if he did he will be robbing.
When Kamarl laid his head on the extremely soft
pillow fell in a deep sleep. He was dreaming about
Ferocious Morjrid menacingly approached him. Kamarl
instantaneously woke up.

Suddenly, Kamarl heard a noise he nosely slicked his

head out of the window and saw his evil brother
stealing gold.
Kamarl scrambled down stairs and out the door and
the first thing he saw was two fit police men and they
“Your going to jail !”
Kamarl opened his eyes saw his self taken to the
police station, they threw Kamarl in to the grotesque
Kamarl was taken to court and the first thing he
Was that the judge was his evil brother. He imminently
Bellowed “send him to jail”

Kamarl found a crack in the wall and ran like an ape

to the court room and ripped the mask of the judge
face and everybody saw the real criminal; Kamarl was
a outstanding hero and everybody was cheering for the
star of this world.

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