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Thursday 17th February 2011

The Mistaken Identity

Running quickly, George got in his spotty car. The police cam and could hear a bomb explode
A few blocks away in someone’s car, so they asked George if he saw the person who did it. He
Didn’t reply, so the officer (Female) with the golden-brown hair checked the boot and there
Were bombs. The two officers arrested him for lying he was pushed in the police car the sun
Was burning like a cup of tea and the wind liked the side of the building like an ice lolly.

George was sent to go behind the bars. The next day the police switched on and it was the
New; they were talking about George. He exclaimed at the police officer but they didn’t
Pay any attention. The real criminal was watching and started laughing. George started
Crying but then he had a remarkable idea, he would climb out but when he looked down,
There were three guard dogs. Simultaneously the Mexican border the real criminal and his
Gang were on there way to…..

Meanwhile the real criminal-who supposed to be in prison-

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