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Thursday 17th February 2011

Mistaken Identity
Rushing nervously, Kristie dashed down stairs, slipped on her shoes and
jumped into her ocean-blue Mercedes Benz and turned the key and shot up the
road, as she turned the left corner she saw a gargantuan group of police cars
coming towards her. She pulled over. Kristie stepped out of the car and started
talking to the man.
“Come with me” called the man “Your coming to the station.” Kristie left
without a word because she knew seem guilty.

The man slung her into her cell as she protested.

“I’m innocent; please you must have me mixed up with someone different!” As
Kristie sat weeping in her cell, while the real criminal was just a out to enter
Barbados. Kristie-feeling very distressed but also intrepid-stood up and glanced
around, thinking that she should get used to this place because she may be here
for a long time. After a few minutes of looking around, she fell asleep on the
uncomfortable rock-hard bed. What if they didn’t believe her? What if she was
stuck here forever?

Suddenly, the guard’s phone started to ring. He picked up the phone. Kristie
listened to the faint conversation.
“What! You mean that the real criminal is…” The guard moved into a different
room to ensure that Kristie wasn’t able to hear, but she moved in closer against
the grotty bars. The guard- who was nodding in agreement-soon put down the
phone and sauntered towards Kristie’s cell.

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