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ESC Board Room
Monday, March 21, 2011

Our mission is to ensure quality learning today for tomorrow!

Work Session - 5:30 PM

1. Board Learning: City Assessor Scott Labus - Assessment Process to Determine a District’s Assessed Valuation
2. Volunteer Report
3. Budget Workshop

Regular Meeting - 7:30 PM

1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Verification of Meeting Notice
4. Approve or amend agenda
5. Citizen comments or requests to speak to any agenda item
6. Approve minutes, bills, and financial summaries
7. Informational items
A. Board recognition: None
B. School Safety/Bullying Prevention Report
C. Job Shadow/Internship Report
D. Twenty-First Century Digital Literacy
E. Staffing for 2011-12
8. Consent Items
A. Personnel Matters
B. Open Enrollment
C. Resolution recognizing National Paraprofessional Appreciation Day
D. Resolution recognizing National Administrative Professionals Day
E. Student teaching contracts
F. Student travel requests
9. New Business
A. Preliminary Budget Estimate and Set April 11, 2011 at 7:30 PM for Public Hearing for 2011-12 Budget
B. Bids for Stadium Project
C. Change Order for Baseball/Softball Concession Stand, Restroom and Pressbox Project
D. SEMS Budget and Substitute Teacher Rate for 2011-12
E. Final Sale and Transfer of Deed of 2009-10 Student Built House
F. First Reading of proposed revised policies 501.6 (Admission of Resident Students) and 1005.2 (Student
Fundraising Activities)
G. Immediately following the meeting, the Board will hold a Negotiation Strategy Session which is exempt
from the Open Meetings Law under section 20.17 of the Code of Iowa
10. Reminders
A. Next Regular Meeting: April 11, 2011 - at 5:30 PM & 7:30 PM
11. Adjourn

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