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My Personal Creed for Caring Mother Nature

- I John Ronuel O. Abellonar, called by God to be steward of his creation, as a

Engineering Student and as a Filipino citizen, I pledge my loyalty and kindness
to regenerate and to nourish our mother Nature for our brighter future and for t
he next Young Generations, In making history in saving our earth by supporting i
t with love and care, honoring it by giving respect and turn down our abusive an
d too much greedy in absorbing this wonderful gifts that God our father has give
n to me, I also believe that my responsibity as a steward is one of the best way
to make everything clear and perfect, and as a good follower of God, I will hel
p myself to do my best and to do what is right to develop our world, not only b
y industrial and waste development but also in developing our Natural Resources,
to make our world clean and fresh, so not only you my God will be gratefully ha
ppy but also your perfect wonderful gifts you have made for us, we are so thankf
ul because where still alive despite of this pollution and this natural calamiti
es happening in our lives, so we still hoping for the best and many people will
change and help for the extension and long live of our human raise and also for
our Mother Earth, and so, I can prevent this natural calamities and pollution. A
nd ruined our lives for he possibility of the end of our world. I pray for this
creed to reflect my lives to cleanse my soul and mind to be strong and to be bra
ve to work hard in saving and loving our mother earth.

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