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Is there a prayer to say before our babies circumcision?

Before performing a circumcision, I like to encourage parents to take a moment to reflect over
the beautiful moment that they are experiencing. I offer the parents to say a prayer on behalf of
their family, and their young beautiful child. The birth of a child can be dramatic and stressful
that parents do not necessarily find that opportunity to stop and express their gratitude for the
wonderful gifts they have received. During a baby's first month his should completes it’s
manifestation of the body. The time of circumcision is an ideal for the parents to pray as a family
for the success of their young child. I usually bring with me a beautiful short prayer which I offer
parents to say just prior to the circumcision. Here is an adapted prayer from a kabalistic source
that sample prayer that I like to encourage parents to say  “Master of the universe we thank you
for all the gifts you have given to our family. We thank you for granting us this wonderful and
healthy baby boy. We ask of you to grant him a long and prosperous life. May we be merit to
raise him, to educate him and enable him to serve You as only he will be able to. And as our
son is about to undergo this procedure we humbly ask that You bring Your presence into our
home, that You guide the rabbi’s hands to perform the procedure to perfection. Heal our
precious son and help him recover to a healthy state. Master of the world bless our home with
your presence and give us the wisdom to educate our family to follow in your path all the days of
our life. Amen.

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