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Road Traffic Safety Barriers

Posted by Civil Engineer On July - 16 - 2010

Article by smoothwhirl

Life is precious, and should not be wasted by road accidents. Use of the road safety

features and proper driving may prevent road accidents. The roads have been designed
keeping in view the human factors in road safety. Safety posters and slogans can
influence humans towards safe driving.

Importance Of Road Safety

Risks will always exist that are related to road safety, and their total elimination may not
be possible. However, all risks, including roadImportance road safety driving risks, can
be mitigated by the implementation of appropriate remedial measures. The state and
the general public have a responsibility to control and manage road risks. The human
factors in road safety should be the prime parameter while designing roads. Safety
posters and slogans, and observing a horrific accident picture do have a positive effect
on the human mind. Drivers may benefit from the shortest driving instructions that are
available at several training institutions. Road safety must constantly be kept in mind.
Each individual is responsible for the road safety. The circumstances on the roads are
unpredictable, due to which it is only proper planning, implementation, and
conscientiousness that can assist to reduce the road accidents.

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