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Read-Aloud Lesson Plan

Title: Cuckoo/ Cucu’

Author: Lois Ehlert

Before Reading: Begin by asking the question, “What does it mean to

Prepare be “conceded?”
Should we be conceded? Why or why not?
Are there some times when you have been conceded?

What does it mean to be lazy? Should we let others

do our work?

Let’s take a minute to think about the title of this

book, Cuckoo/ Cucu’. Look at the illustration on the
front cover. Do you think that Cuckoo is prettier than
other birds?

While I am reading the book, I want you to think about

what might happen in the end. I will occasionally stop
reading to ask you for your predictions of how you
think the story will end.

During Reading: After reading “What’s that?” she muttered. “Some

Guide flashy new bird? Better chase it away.” – Ask, What
do you think she will find? Let the children give you
their prediction. Graph those predictions.

Once Cuckoo starts getting “scorched” ask if the

children know what that word means? Do they think it
would hurt to be scorched?

What do you think the other birds will say about

Cuckoo when they find out what she did?
At the end –
Did the story end the way we predicted? What lesson
do you think Cuckoo learned?

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