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Rank Correlation Test

TABLE 25(a): Rank Correlation between Knowledge of product info and courteousness of

Strongly Dis – Strongly
Attribute Agree
Agree Neutral
agree disagree

Knowledgeable about
51 96 33 6 14 4.085 4
product info.

Courteousness of 11
31 49 4 3 4.325 1
service 3

X = ISD’s are Knowledgeable about product information

Y = ISD’s are Courteousness of service

TABLE 25(b): Rank Correlation

X Y Rx Ry D=Rx-Ry D2
51 31 2 3 -1 1
96 49 1 2 -2 4
33 113 3 1 2 4
6 4 5 4 1 1
14 3 4 5 -1 1
Σ = 11

Rank Correlation Coefficient = 1 - 6 Σ D2


= 1 – 6 (11) / 120

= 0.45

The value of R shows that through the knowledge of product information the
courteousness of the service are correlated well.

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