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Effective lessons require meaningful learning and interaction. Meaningful

learning and interaction could be obtained via interesting activities during the lesson.
Preparing good activities may not be easy as many people think. Teachers may have to
crack their heads thinking of activities that could win the interest and participation of the
students at the same time achieves the objectives of the lesson. That may require lots
of hard work and time. On the other hand, why work hard when you can work smart?
We can always use activities book as guidance and reference. There are plenty of
books out there written by imposing language education experts for the convenience for
teachers to prepare effective lessons. One of the books is the one co-written by Mary
Slattery and Jane Wills entitled ³English for Primary Teachers´.

This book would be handy for teachers as it provides advice and ideas for
classroom activities. It covers on how you should start your lessons to ending your
lessons, how to organize your classroom, how to give instructions in and how to
conduct different kinds of lessons (speaking, writing, reading and listening) using
various kinds of activities. Teachers can also use examples from real primary
classrooms and apply into theirs. The content in this book is arranged in a way that is
easy-to-read making teachers comfortable to read it for reference.

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