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Post subject: Ambush at Balikapapan

24 January 1942

After a string of successful landings the Japanese had grown accustomed to

doing so with out opposition. At Balikpapan the Japanese landing force was
surprised by a weak American destroyer force. Two Dutch submarines known
to be near the scene of the battle confused the Japanese as they believed
they were under submarine attack and went looking for them, leaving thier
charges all but unguarded. Complacney almost cost the Japanese thier entire
task force of irreplaceable transports.

This entire battle is at night.

Japanese forces
Balikpapan Invasion force.
12xtransports (Kinai Maru)
DE 36-(type 13 subchaser)
DE 37-(type 13 subchaser)
DE 38-(type 13 subchaser)

Covering Force
CL 15 Naka (Jintsu)
DD 78 Minegumo (Isokaze)
DD 79 Natsugumo (Isokaze)

US forces
use Witte de With miniature for all of these.
DD 218 Parrott (use Pope from link)
DD 225 Pope (use Pope from link)
DD 228 John D. Ford (use Edsall from link)
DD 230 Paul Jones (use Edsall from link)

Special Rules
Set up The Eastern side of the map is land. All transports must be
within 2 squares of the land. The Transports are unloading and can not
move. All DEs must be within 1 square of a transport.

Japanese unprepardness Japanese ships may not fir until fired apon or
Americans move into range 1.

Reinforcements At turn 3 roll a dice on a 6 (add one every other turn

add one to the roll) on doing this add the covering force to the south of the
Game length 8 rounds or until 5 transports have been sunk. The
Japanese win if 4 or less transports have been sunk.

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