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A cleanse that isn’t crazy

By Michele Promaulayko, Editor, Women's Health, on Mon Jan 3, 2011 6:12am PST

It’s no secret that many women will go to nutty extremes to trim off a few pounds—especially this time of year,
when we’re feeling the guilt hangover of holiday indulgences. Still, when I heard that a study in the journal
Obesity found that one in 20 women would rather give up a limb—a limb!—than be obese, my jaw hit the floor

I blame the recent proliferation of trendy detox diets that promise miraculous results. Who can resist the allure
of a quick fix ? The truth is, most cleanses are an unhealthy formula of minimal calories, accompanied by
dangerous diuretics that flush your body of important nutrients. Sure, that may result in weight loss—but not the
lasting kind you want. You may end up losing water weight (or worse, muscle mass) instead of fat. Plus, there’s
no science to back up the claims that these diets are actually “detoxifying.”

What science does confirm: Your liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal system have the power to detox all on their
own. That’s why Women’s Health created a saner cleansing plan—one that eliminates added sugar, saturated
fats, and alcohol to give your system a break, while still providing you with enough calories and nutrients to
keep you satisfied. Dive in and start 2011 happier and healthier than ever.

The Plan
• 8 oz water with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice
• Scrambled egg whites with chopped fresh herbs (such as basil or oregano), topped with a dollop of salsa, and
1 slice whole-wheat toast, dry
or 1 cup cooked oats or cooked oatmeal topped with ½ cup berries or 2 Tbsp nuts
• 8 oz decaffeinated green or herbal tea

• Sliced apple with 1 Tbsp natural peanut butter
or 1/3 cup natural trail mix

• 1 cup fresh spinach or lightly sautéed spinach or kale, squeezed with fresh lemon or orange juice
or 1 cup asparagus with 1 tsp olive oil, garlic, and lemon juice
• 4 oz grilled, baked, or broiled salmon, chicken, or pork tenderloin, seasoned with spices such as lemon pepper
• ½ cup edamame beans, steamed
• 8 oz water or decaffeinated green or herbal tea
• 8 pecan halves

• ½ sweet potato or one citrus fruit (orange or grapefruit)
• 4 oz low-fat yogurt

• Large spinach or romaine salad with vegetables. Dress with 1 tsp extra-virgin olive oil mixed with lemon juice
or vinegar (any variety)
• ½ cup to 1 cup asparagus or artichoke hearts, steamed
• 4 oz lean chicken with spices, baked or grilled
• ½ cup brown rice, barley, bulgur, or quinoa
• 8 oz water or decaffeinated green or herbal tea

• ¾ cup to 1 cup blueberries
or ½ cup pomegranate seeds
• 4 oz nonfat Greek yogurt
or low-fat organic yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese

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