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IPR4EE – Unit 1, Session 4

Creating a Teaching Resource

Summary of IPR4EE Unit 1, Sessions 1, 2, and 3

Resource title:

Aim of session: What do you want your learners to achieve?

Outline of content: Short description of learning activities/learning outcomes.

Risk factors/copyright issues:

Licences required:

Thinkpoint 1

Using the issues raised in the scenarios in Session 4 reflect on how they identify further issues that
could impact your teaching resource around IPR/Copyright.

Thinkpoint 2 - Public space/visibility:

Reflecting on the Session 4 scenarios, identify considerations and relevance to your own project in
terms of using your work in a public space and around issues of ethics, dissemination and

This resource was created by University College Falmouth and released as an open educational resource through the
Intellectual Property Rights For Educational Environments (IPR4EE) project. The IPR4EE project is funded by HEFCE and part
of the JISC/HE Academy UKOER Phase II programme.

© 2011 University College Falmouth

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Licence. When repurposing this resource
please acknowledge University College Falmouth and the IPR4EE project.

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