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Kinds of


© Brent Coley 2008 |

There are four
different kinds of
Declarative Sentence
A declarative sentence
makes a statement. It
ends with a period.
He likes pepperoni pizza.
The umbrella is green.
Mrs. Smith is a teacher.
Interrogative Sentence
An interrogative sentence
asks a question. It ends
with a question mark.
Do you like pepperoni pizza?
Have you seen my umbrella?
Who is your teacher?
Exclamatory Sentence
An exclamatory sentence
shows strong feeling. It
ends with an exclamation
Wow! That’s great news!
Imperative Sentence
An imperative sentence
gives a command. It
ends with a period.
Go to your room.
Throw me the ball.
Bob, please close the door.
Practice Time
See if you can
correctly identify
the following kinds
of sentences.
What kind of
sentence is this?
Are you going to the
movies tonight?
Interrogative –
because the
sentence asks a
What kind of
sentence is this?
What a great movie
that was!
Exclamatory –
because the
sentence shows
strong feeling
What kind of
sentence is this?
There are many
different kinds of
animals at the zoo.
Declarative –
because the
sentence makes
a statement
What kind of
sentence is this?
“Open to Chapter 5
of your math book.”
Imperative –
because the
sentence gives a
What kind of
sentence is this?
Bob has an iPod.
Declarative –
because the
sentence makes
a statement
What kind of
sentence is this?
Be careful with your
Imperative –
because the
sentence gives a
What kind of
sentence is this?
iPods are amazing!
Exclamatory –
because the
sentence shows
strong feeling
What kind of
sentence is this?
Do you have an
Interrogative –
because the
sentence asks a
What kind of
sentence is this?
Please pass the salt
and pepper.
Imperative –
because the
sentence gives a
What kind of
sentence is this?
It is sunny outside.
Declarative –
because the
sentence makes
a statement
What kind of
sentence is this?
Are you planning to
travel during your
Interrogative –
because the
sentence asks a
What kind of
sentence is this?
What a beautiful
Exclamatory –
because the
sentence shows
strong feeling
What kind of
sentence is this?
Would you like to go
to the beach with
Interrogative –
because the
sentence asks a
What kind of
sentence is this?
Bring your hat and
sunblock with you to
the beach.
Imperative –
because the
sentence gives a
What kind of
sentence is this?
Wow! What a play!
Exclamatory –
because the
sentence shows
strong feeling
What kind of
sentence is this?
The student went to
the store to buy
some candy.
Declarative –
because the
sentence makes
a statement
What kind of
sentence is this?
What is your favorite
Interrogative –
because the
sentence asks a
What kind of
sentence is this?
Don’t forget to study
for the test.
Imperative –
because the
sentence gives a
What kind of
sentence is this?
This is the last
practice sentence.
Declarative –
because the
sentence makes
a statement
Title image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
and is public domain.

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