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Children Learning Reading PDF Free

Children Learning Reading PDF Free Download

How to Help Your Child Achieve Reading Skills Early

On That You Never Thought Possible…
Is the development and education of your child important to you? Have you been
searching for a program that will help you teach your child to read, but spending
hundreds of dollars on unproven programs just doesn’t make any sense to you? I can
understand your frustrations, as I’ve been through much of the same experiences
Children Learning Reading is a step-by-step program that helps parents to easily teach
their children to read. The wonderful thing about this program is that as long as your
child is able to speak, it will help you teach your child to read fluently. If you have any
doubts to this statement – that even 2 and 3 year old children can be taught to read
effectively – then please take a minute of your time and watch the following 2 videos

(Click “quality setting” and select HD quality for above video)

We originally developed the Children Learning Reading program to teach our own
children to read, and you can see from the video above, the results were fantastic. We
successfully taught our children to read before they were 3 years old. Did you expect to
see small, 3 year old children being capable of reading children’s books?

Who Is the Program Designed For?

The Children Learning Reading program is designed for parents with young children
between the ages of 2 to 7 years old. It is designed to teach toddlers and small children
to read effectively. One important thing to keep in mind is that this program is not
designed for extremely young children, or children who have not learned to speak yet.
However, if your child has learned to speak, then you can use this program to teach
your child to read.

The central goal of the Children Learning Reading program is to help your child learn to
decode printed text quickly and learn to read fluently through the critical process of
developing phonemic awareness. Phonemic awareness is arguably one of the most
important aspects of learning to read and becoming a fluent reader. Children who lack
phonemic awareness typically have reading difficulties, and end up being poor readers.

The Children Learning Reading program is an extremely simple, straight forward, and
step-by-step program. The program includes simple exercises and practices starting
with the very first lessons that work to help your child develop phonemic awareness and
learn to read. Clinical studies, and even the National Reading Panel has stated that
helping children develop phonemic awareness is one of the most effective ways to
teach children to read.
How Does the Children Learning Reading Program

The program is designed to be taught to your child in two stages, and each stage
comes with it’s own instruction book and step-by-step lessons. Stage 1 helps your child
develop all the important foundational skills of learning to read and read fluently, while
stage 2 lessons deal with slightly more advanced lessons helping to greatly advance
your child’s already impressive reading skills developed from stage 1 lessons.

There are 28 lesson in stage one that are smoothly laid out to teach your child starting
with the building blocks of reading printed text. The alphabet letters and sounds are
introduced to your child in a stepped, sensible, and intuitive order through the 28
lessons. Very simple words and blending exercises are introduced very early on, and
more complicated words, sentences, stories, and rhymes are slowly introduced with the
lessons as your child progress. By the time you complete stage one lessons with your
child, your child will have already developed superb reading skills that will at times leave
you even surprised and amazed.

Once you complete stage one, you can move on to stage 2 lessons, which involve
teaching some more complicated matters dealing with reading. There are 22 lessons in
stage two. One of the main focus of this stage is teaching your child letter combinations
or also known as digraphs. The words, sentences, lesson stories, and rhymes here are
more advanced, and work to greatly increase your child’s reading skills and reading

Children Learning Reading PDF Free Download

Children Learning Reading Customer Reviews
Here are what some of our customers have said:
The one great benefit of the Children Learning Reading program is that it doesn’t force
your child to explicitly memorize any phonics rules! Being parents, I’m sure you can
imagine how difficult it would be to have toddlers and young children memorize rules to
reading! The wonderful thing about Children Learning Reading is that throughout the
entire program, your child learns to read, and develops phenomenal reading and
decoding skills without memorizing any phonics rules. This is why our program is so
effective at teaching children to read.

Another huge plus of this program is that the step-by-step lessons are designed to be
quick and effective. Each lesson typically takes no longer than 5 to 10 minutes to
complete, and some lessons take just 2 or 3 minutes to complete. As you can imagine,
with the short attention span of small children, short lessons like these will be much
more effective and productive than long, drawn-out lessons. To teach your child to read,
all that you need to do is follow the lessons step-by-step, and spend 5 to 10 minutes
each day consistently teaching your child to read. In just 12 short weeks, you will be
extremely pleased that you have taken then time and effort to give your child the most
important skill in life – reading.

>> Click here for the Children Learning Reading program, and start teaching your child to
read today!
Please watch the video below for a brief personal message from Jim & Elena…

Children Learning Reading PDF Free Download

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