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Travelling 2005

January Tsunami

29 January 2005, Idul Adha (Moslem s

day of sacrifice on the climax of the Mecca
pilgrimage) people praying, soldier
guarding, dirt & rubbles still piling, smell of
death on the air

Survivor her house was the only

building sstill standing in her village,
10 km from Banda Aceh city centre.
Smell of death so strong, bodies found
among rubbles everyday

Helping trunk trained elephants from

Leuser national conservation helped
cleaning up a village in Banda Aceh.

Travelling 2005 photos by adeline tumenggung 1

Rubbles villagers saving whatever they have left from rubbles. Their empty eyes and
emotionless voice haunted every reporter who interviewed them (above)

Aceh Airlift
(January March 2005)

GI s helping hand on board

SH60 Sea Hawk, Navy rescuer Ray
Adams showed his daughter s doll
(above). Sailors from USS
Abraham Lincoln volunteered for
the massive Aceh Airlift in Banda
Aceh Air Force Base (left & below)

Travelling 2005 photos by adeline tumenggung 2

Traditional Indonesia

Balinese funeral big ceremony for the whole village, three days party, no body cried

Baduy Tribe the tribal village is

open for visitor but the people still
keep their very basic traditional
way of life: no electricity, no
manufactured goods, no modern
communication. Environmentalist
& anthropologist haven

Travelling 2005 photos by adeline tumenggung 3

P hilippines T ragedy

Disaster three typhoons,

flashflood & landslide hit
Dingalan village in
Philippine s Luzon Island
on November and
December 2004, killing
more than 1,700 people.

The aftermath (clockwise) chainsaw and karabou (small scale) loggers were blamed
for the disaster; a survivor from Dumagat Tribe; funeral of a murdered journalist; village
elder and hisTravelling
wife. 2005 photos by adeline tumenggung 4
L eyte Leisure

Chill out - Guinsohoton Waterfall & Cagnituan Cave in South Leyte, Philippines, are guarded
and maintained by Leyte s indigenous people. When visiting the waterfall and the cave, getting
wet is a must

Travelling 2005 photos by adeline tumenggung 5

Sunset on Southern L eyte B each

Local delicacy while kids playing in

the water, the adults gather sea urchin
for family picnic. Cut them and eat the
inside raw with rice and vinegar
(not really my thing)

Travelling 2005 photos by adeline tumenggung 6

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