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1. How long you have been working in the industry ?

a) less than 3 b) 3-5 years c)more than 5 years

2. How do you feel the working environment ?

a) excellent b) good c)satisfactory not satisfactory

3. How secure do you feel in your job ?

a) high secure b) secure c)insecure

4. How do you feel the smooth relationship with your employers and co-
workers ?
a) very high b) high c)medium d)low

5. Opinion about your job

a) highly satisfied b) satisfied c) others (specify) ………….. d) not satisfied

6. Are you satisfied with the appreciation or reward system provided by your management?
a) highly satisfied b) satisfied c)needs improvement

7. Are you satisfied with the bonus and incentives given ?

a) highly satisfied b) satisfied c)needs improvement

8. Are you satisfied with the overall compensation package ?

a) highly satisfied b) satisfied c)needs improvement

9. How do you feel about the welfare scheme of your showroom ?

a) highly satisfied b) satisfied c)needs improvement

10. Have you ever observed or experienced any of the following forms of
discrimination in the company ?
a) Racial discrimination b) age discrimination c) gender discrimination d) none of the above you really enjoy / relax in your tea time and lunch break?
a) Yes b) No If No, Why………………………………………

12.My manager/supervisor provides me with continuous feedback to help me achieve

a)strongly disagree b)disagree c)somewhat agree d)agree e)strongly agree

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