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Karlisle Epp 3021663 March 22 2011

By: Karlisle Epp

I run, and scream, shout and yell

to get away from it!
I see it now, it’s getting closer
making lots of sound.
Go away I yell at it
as I run away
But as I run, it to gains speed
almost gaining me.
I turn real quick, around the corner
seeing others there.
I tell them to run,
so they turn and do.
It is still behind me getting closer,
as we reach the park
We all scatter around
but it keeps its sights on me.
I get passed the swings,
and run up the slide.
I run and jump right off the structure,
and dart into the field.
It starts to catch up, I know
I am done.
I slow down, and get ready
for what is about to come!
“Your it!” say’s a voice,
as a hand hit’s my back.
Oh no now I’m it,
it is my turn to tag.
I turn and run
and it starts all agene!

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