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What is Vedic Mathematics?

Vedic Mathematics (VM) is an ancient system of mathematics that was re-discovered by Sri Bharati Krsna
Tirthaji between 1911and 1918. Tirthaji (1884-1960) was an Indian scholar well versed in the areas of Sanskrit,
English, Mathematics, Astronomy and many other areas of science. He deciphered ancient Indian texts, known
as the “Ganita Sutras”, (which means mathematics) to discover 16 short verses, known as “Sutras”. These
sutras, when applies correctly, will enable the user to solve many types of math problems mentally without
having to use pencil and paper in a fraction of the time in would take otherwise. Tirthaji wrote sixteen books,
one for each sutra, describing the application of each to the solution of math problems. Unfortunately, these
books were lost. Tirthaji attempted to re-write all of these books from memory, but, was only able to complete
the first volume entitled “Vedic Mathematics” before his death. This book, which is available today, is the
seminal work on Vedic Mathematics. Mathematicians in India and in England have studied this volume and
have written their own books on the applications of VM. One English teacher and scholar, Kenneth Williams,
has written many books on the applications of VM. Of the books he has written, I like his “Vedic Math
Teacher’s Manuals” available in the elementary, intermediate and advanced levels to learn Vedic Math. Another
book that provides excellent explanations and many practice problems is “The Power of Vedic Maths” by Atul
Gupta. You will not need to get these books for the work we will be doing in this study group, but, they would
be valuable additions to your VM library.

So with this brief historical introduction out of the way, let’s do some Vedic Math.

Whenever I have given an introduction of VM methods to middle school students, I always ask how
many in the class find math boring? The negative response is almost universal. I then ask how many find doing
math hard and difficult to understand. Again, the negative response is overwhelming. Even at this early age, the
stage is set for these students to begin to hate math for the rest of their lives. They are convinced that they
cannot do math and that is the way it will always be. The accepted justification for this attitude is that they have
a “mental block” when it comes to math. My goal, in the short time that I have with them, is to empower them
with the ability to do math in a way that they have never seen before, it a way that is easy to understand, it a
way that does not utilize a calculator and, finally, in a way that will elevate their “math self-esteem.” Their self-
esteem and confidence greatly increases because after being shown some VM methods, they can do certain
types of math problems faster and more accurately in their heads than they could do before using pencil and
paper and calculators. So fast, in fact, it appears to border on “magical.”

In this first handout, I am going to explain several VM techniques that are easy to learn and will
empower you to do math problems faster then you ever thought possible.

Squaring Numbers Ending in a 5

By way of notation, 22 means 2 times 2 or 4 and 32 means 3 times 3 or 9. What if you are asked to
calculate 452 or 652 or the square of any number ending in a 5? More than likely, you would need to take out a
calculator or pencil and paper to work it out. One the VM Sutras “one more than the one before” can help us to
determine the answer immediately. Very simply, multiply the digit(s) to the left of the 5 by the next higher
number and then write 25 after it. For example, let’s apply this sutra to the calculation of 452.

1st step: Determine the number to the left of the 5. That number is obviously 4.

2nd step: Multiply this number by next higher number. This means multiply the 4 by 5. This results in the
number 20.
3rd step: Follow this result with the number 25. This means the 20 will be followed by the number 25. That is
2,025. This is the answer to the problem. It could not it be any simpler.
Let’s try 652:

1st step: The number 6

2nd step: 6 times 7 equals 42
3rd step: follow the 42 with 25, which is 4225.

Try this on your own squaring the numbers 15, 25, 35, 55, 75, 85, 95 and 105. (Hint, on 105 2, the 2nd step is 10
times 11, which equals 110.)

This is just one application of this sutra. Even though, in this instance, the scope is somewhat limited,
i.e., squaring numbers ending in a 5, the reduction in the work you would otherwise need to do to get the answer
is significantly reduced. I would venture to say, if you walked up to anyone and asked them what 85 2 is, they
would look at you like you were crazy. No one can do it without a calculator. Now, you can do it.

Another corollary of this sutra allows us to apply this technique when multiplying certain types of
numbers together. For example, let’s multiply 43 times 47. Using VM, I can immediately say the answer is
2,021. How about 63 times 67 – the answer is 4,221. So how did I do these calculations? Let’s begin by putting
two conditions on the numbers to be multiplied together:

Condition 1 – the unit numbers (the “one’s numbers), must add up to 10. In our examples, 43 X 47 → 3 plus 7
equal 10. In the other example, 63 X 67 → 3 plus 7 equal 10.

Condition 2 – the numbers to the left of the unit numbers must be equal. Again, in our first example, 43 X 47 –
the number to the left of the unit number is the same, that is, 4. In the other example, the numbers to the left of
the unit numbers both equal 6.

Assuming that the numbers to be multiplied meet both of these conditions, we can write the answer
immediately. Here’s how:

Step 1 – Similar to squaring numbers ending in 5, we locate the number to the left of the unit number, 4 in our
first example and 6 in our second example, and multiply by the next higher number. In our first example, this
amount is 4 X 5 which equals 20, and 6 X 7 which equals 42 in our second example.

Step 2 – Now multiply the unit numbers together. You will then have the answer.

Let’s look at this more closely. In our first example, 43 X 47, we multiply 4 X 5 which equals 20. Then we
multiply 3 X 7 which equals 21. The answer is 2,021. In our second example, 63 X 67, we multiply 6 X 7 which
equals 42 and then multiply 3 X 7 which equals 21. Therefore, the answer is 4,221.

Remember, this technique will work when multiply numbers that meet both of the initial conditions above.
Some examples are 12 X 18, 23 X 27, 34 X 36, 91 X 99, 106 X 104.

Try a few examples for yourself to see how easy and quickly the answers can be determined.

At this point, it is important for me to make several points regarding this lesson and how it fits into the
overall study group agenda. The two applications described above are very specific uses for the sutra “one more
than the one before”. When I saw these examples, my first impressions were less than positive. Is this what
Vedic Math is all about? Doing a couple of very specific types of calculations very quickly? The applications to
solve these specific examples would be so rarely used as to border on useless. Vedic math has many general
approaches to solving problems where to numbers have no conditions on them. These general methods will
produce answers incredibly fast. With these specific examples, I just wanted to give you an idea of the power of
VM. Using VM, you are going to be able to do many types of problems as fast as you did the ones described
above. When I show you VM methods applicable to multiplying or dividing numbers, you are going to say
“where did he come up with this approach” and “why wasn’t I ever shown this before.”

Stay with me, the best is yet to come.

© Copyright, 2006 Richard Blum, All rights reserved, No reprints without permission

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