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mexican beaches that carry our steps. Our steps!

Radiator Our feelings. Did we leave them somewhere for a

fish to swallow? Did we wallow in waters that
wallow in fear?
Fear did we get? Got? Not?
Water collides into water Ay, como I miss the times. The Presence.
just like my thoughts merge into you. the feelings that you care, that you wear my
nonexistent silence heart on your white-white forehead.
a radiator why did I even notice you? was it written
and the sea. somewhere in a manual I follow and I don’t even
a glass window (pain) know?
a never ending transparent (pane) There’s a light in the sea.
before me. That could be me.
morning darkness Swimming in the middle of your empty being.
morning sadness You’re empty, sometimes, you know?
morning You know. You pretend. You tend and pretend.
mourning You forget and wake up then wake up and forget.
the memory of you. You forget of a love I adore, of a love I treasure,
this is when I feel the loneliest. of a love I measure with pleasure.
Who can I even tell? Who will see my neon fall? Yeah, sure.
Who will fail to fall? Can you love me?
You or the thought? Or else..just please let me go.
the thought. You still text me.
I miss your presence. Seems when we deny it we What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
only multiply your lasting omnipresence. Then you tell me you don’t love me.
So many things to tell you. You go ‘Yeah. I think I love the idea of us, but
So many tears locked up. Fed up, shot down, you’re kind of disappearing to me’?
shut down, digested, infested, molested my Fuck.
something, someone. Radiator noise.
Someone, freaking someone. You ass.
Six in the morning. Sex in the morning.
Six in the mourning and sex in the mourning.
Maybe not the last one.
Feeling empty. And lost and lonely and emotional
and wrecked. Navigationally wrecked.
Thinking about the do’s, the don’ts, the stupid,
stupid people. The stupid, stupid me.
Thinking about you but flirting with shoeboxes Paulina Meza
that walk with their wings.
Cardboard. October 17th, 2010
like my mouth. My Mouth. Empty of kisses, and
good luck wishes and mountains and prairies and

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