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Relaxation is one of those things most of us have little, if any time for.

Most of us will

schedule more into a single day than can humanly be accomplished. We all know that we should

stop and smell the roses, but it is much quicker to spray a flowery scented air fragrance and go

on. We need to slow down and relax, but the average five days of vacation that we all take yearly

is just not getting the job done. Stress is the number one contributor of deaths in America. We

should view this as a warning and learn how to manage our stress so as not to become a part of

this unfortunate statistic.

In the few following steps you will learn how to do a very easy relaxation technique that

could actually help you live a longer, healthier life.

1.) Locate a comfortable spot where you can peacefully watch the clouds drifting in the sky.

Note: This technique can only be performed when there are cumulus clouds present,

which are the soft white fluffy clouds that look like cotton balls.

Suggestion: Position yourself in a way in which you can relax. Laying down or leaning back

against something may enable you to stay in the same position for a longer period of

time. This being said, you can allow for as little or as much time as you desire.

2.) Relaxing your body, close your eyes and take five deep breaths. Breathing in

through your nose and out through your mouth.

3.) Considering for a moment something that seems to be weighing on your mind. This can

be anything that causes you stress, whether it be large or small. Imagine placing that

stress into a box along with all of the negative emotions, feelings, or thoughts associated

with that particular stress that you may have inside of you.

4.) Find a cloud that matches the size of your burden. For instance, a small burden may only

require a small cloud and a shorter amount of time to release than would a larger burden.
Imagine releasing that box and placing it inside of your cloud.

Caution: Protective eye wear should be used to avoid damage from the sun.

5.) Once you have filled your cloud, concentrate on melting the entire thing.

Suggestion: You can do this in a number of ways. One such way is to think of the cloud as if it

were a lump of butter in a skillet; use your mind to stir it until it has melted.

6.) Watching as you are melting this cloud, continue to release your stress. Imagine all of the

negative energy being pulled away from you.

Suggestion: As your cloud disappears, imagine God gently taking your burden from you.

7.) Once your cloud has melted, continue watching the sky where your cloud had just

been. Take five deep, cleansing breaths, in through your nose and out through your


8.) Feeling your spirit relax, allow yourself a few minutes to enjoy the peace that comes from


9.) As you relax, accept the fact that you no longer have to carry your burden. Believe

that it is being cared for by someone who is much wiser and more powerful than you

could ever be.

10.) Repeat the previous nine steps using another burden you may be dealing with.

Frequently doing this relaxation technique can lessen the amount of stress that you have

in your life. Things that once seemed overwhelming can now be somewhat more manageable. By

melting clouds, you may also lower your risk of high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke.

Best of all, it will leave you feeling happier and more content with life.

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