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Kamehameha Schools close the digital

divide with a “Roadmap for Technology Use”

“Kamehameha Schools’ mission is to fulfill Pauahi’s desire to create educational

opportunities in perpetuity to improve the capability and well-being of people of
Hawaiian ancestry.”
Mission Statement
Kamehameha Schools Strategic Plan, 2000-2015
How does Kamehameha close the digital divide?
Technology Strategic Plan has provided Kamehameha Schools with:
 Kindergarten through 12th grade technology integration instruction
 Technology coordinator for each elementary, middle and high divisions on all
three campuses.
 Technology and multimedia specialist for each campus.
 Computer lab for each division on all three campuses.
 Multimedia centers in all libraries
 Computers in every elementary and middle school classrooms
 Pioneering one to one laptop program for all seventh graders on Maui campus.
 Online distance learning for staff development & student individualized learning
 Laptop carts for grades 4 through 8.
 Access to lending laptops for high school students
 Annual school-hosted public technology conference
 Monthly TechNotes newsletter for all staff QuickTime™ and a
 Comprehensive ITD support Cinepak decompressor
are needed to see this picture.

 Bi-weekly iCan Cafe half hour workshops for staff

student-created 30 sec. video clip

Where it all began.
 Kamehameha Journal of Education, published between 1990 and 1995
 “Technology in the Classroom”, Summer 1995. This issue contains 20
articles addressing technology in the classroom.
 Articles:
– “Distance Learning and the Future of Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estate”
– “Technology and Multiple Intelligences””technology Brings Voyagers into
– “Computer Learning for Young Children”
– “A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Technology”, and more …
What has happened since then?
• Kamehameha Schools System-Wide Professional Development Plan of Action

• Putting Technology-Supported Best Practices into Play: Roadmap for Kamehameha Schools and the Use of
Technology for Teaching, Learning and Management

• KS Maui Campus Laptop Program

QuickTime™ and a
Cinepak decompressor
are needed to see this picture.

student-created video clip

Action is taken
 Kamehameha Schools System-Wide Professional Development Plan of
“The Kamehameha Schools System-wide Professional Development Task Force collaborated
to develop action steps that would clearly articulate the critical link between improved
student learning and the professional learning of leaders and teachers in the Kamehameha
Schools System. The Task Force engaged in this work during the months of April and May,

 Their work is built upon these foundation pieces:

The Kamehameha Schools Strategic Plan, 2000 – 2015
(See Appendix A);
The Kamehameha Schools Philosophy of Education
(See Appendix B) and;
The Kamehameha Schools Education Technology Plan
Action is taken
Roadmap for Kamehameha Schools
Putting Technology-Supported Best Practices into Play: Roadmap
for Kamehameha Schools and the Use of Technology for
Teaching, Learning and Management, February, 2005

Goal: To provide the stakeholders with information that guides future

practice. A roadmap for evolving the pedagogy and infrastructure that
enhance Kamehameha Schools (KS). Plan for collective and individual
action by the KS community.
Action is taken
Roadmap for Kamehameha Schools

The plan is divided into instructional best practices and institutional best practices


 Process writing - Supported by access to computers and word processing software.
 Science and Mathematics - Data collection tools and graphing calculators provide
leverage to help students learn and master advanced concepts.
 Problem-based and project-based learning - Technology plays a central role in
accomplishing the work of both project and problem based learning.
 21st Century Skills - Study skills, such as historical inquiry, information literacy,
collaboration and communication are embedded into core areas.
 Individualization of the Academic Program - Distance learning extends the
 Portfolios - A valuable resource for student assessment and for public portrayal of
Action is taken
Roadmap for Kamehameha Schools
 Professional Development - Focus is on leveraging a range of
technologies to improve teaching and learning
 Technology Infrastructure - A powerful, secure, and supported
infrastructure permits all of the stakeholders in the KS community to
leverage technologies they have acquired in effective and efficient ways.
 Institutional Communication - An institutional portal facilitates community
communications, learning management, institutional support for the
Kamehameha Schools, allowing student to have access to information at

 Within the document, and based upon research, each best practices are identified
with the type of technology and software that have been adopted by KS to support
the learning described in the practice .
Action is taken
Roadmap for Kamehameha Schools
 KS Maui Campus Laptop Program http://kms

 “Pioneering laptop programs have demonstrated the potential to

transform teaching and learning.”

 “This report presents findings from the first year of the laptop
program at the Kamehameha Schools Maui Campus (KSMC).
Laptop programs in other settings, for example, the pioneering work
by Microsoft and Toshiba, have clearly demonstrated their potential
to transform teaching and learning in very powerful ways.”
– Tibbetts (2005)

QuickTime™ and a
Cinepak decompressor
are needed to see this picture.

student-created video clip

Keeping staff up to date

Tech Notes - monthly eNews for staff

Technology Conference
Kamehameha’s Education Technology Conference Breakout Sessions

Education Technology Services (ETS)

A Division of the Education Support Services Group
Standards aligned
1.A. Demonstrates a sound understanding of the nature and operation of technology systems.
1.B. Demonstrates proficiency in the use of technology.


2.A. Understands the ethical, cultural, and societal issues related to technology.
2.B. Practices responsible use of technology systems, information, and software.
2.C. Develops positive attitudes toward technology uses that support lifelong learning,
collaboration, personal pursuits, and productivity.


3.A. Uses technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.
3.B. Uses productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models,
preparing publications, and producing other creative works.
Standards aligned


5.A. Uses technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of
5.B. Uses technology tools to process data and report results.
5.C. Evaluates and selects new information resources and technological innovations
based on the appropriateness to specific tasks.


6.A. Uses technology resources for solving problems and making informed decisions.
6.B. Employs technology in the development of strategies for solving problems in the
real world.
Presented by
 William Sullivan
• 5th grade teacher, Kamehameha Schools Hawai’i,

ETEC 698
UH Manoa OTEC
Summer, 2008

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