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Name of the Game: Bumper cars Stage: ES1

In an average sized space marked with markers, students are all given a hula-hoop, which they will hold at waist level. This is their “bumper
car”. They will be given instructions such as run, walk, skip, and various signals such as stop and go (fast & slow). The aim of the game is to
not bump into each other. If students bump into each other they are to sit down and the students continue around them until there is one
student left as the winner.

Why is this game important for this stage?

-Students gain spatial awareness, such as personal space, directions, boundaries, levels
-Students use a number of locomotor skills eg. running, walking, jumping, hopping
-Imaginative game where students can imagine being in a bumper car
-Students can learn to react to signals in a safe way by trying not to bump into each other
-Students can decide on a number of different solutions of how to get around each other

What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?

-COES1.1, Expresses feelings, needs and wants in appropriate ways: plays simple response games, responds to simple instructions and rules
-DMES1.2, chooses between safe and unsafe situations: generates a number of possible solutions to a problem
-MOES1.4, Demonstrates a general awareness of how basic movement skills apply in play and other introductory movement experiences:
walks, runs, slides at different tempos/speeds
-GSES1.8, demonstrates fundamental movement skills while playing with and sharing equipment: shows understanding of the language used
in games, and responds to verbal and nonverbal directions, runs, skips and hops with equipment, participates in games where cooperation is
important for success

Equipment and Teaching cues

-Hula-hoops, and cones to mark area
-Teachers may be aware that once students have bumped into each other and sat down, less vigorous instructions should be given to help
avoid collision

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