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Category: Ice Breaker

Source: Games: Principles and & Practice

Grade level: K-6

Activity level:

Fundamental Techniques: Locomotor and non-locomotor skills.
Tactics: Acceleration, awareness, deceleration, agility.
Progressions of Learning: Competency II: opposition, using space available.
Equipment: Playing area.
Formation: Scatter

Description of Play/Progression:
Layer 1: In this game everyone is a tagger and can be tagged. Students find a spot in the playing area.
When the music starts all the students must try to tag each other without getting tagged. If they get
tagged they must stop and stand with their two hands out, palms facing up. To be freed, another
student must come up the the student and say, Hi, my name is (their name, ex: Ashley). Then the
frozen student must say, Hi Ashley, my name is (their name, ex: Ryan).
Layer 2: Adding a safe base to this game. When a student stands on leg and crosses their arms, they
cannot be tagged.
Modifications: The space of the playing area can decrease or increase. Use different tools to tag.
Have the students exit the playing area when tagged, perform an exercise and then re enter the game.
Safety: Students must be aware of others and use soft tags.

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