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Kelly Garden Supply

Garden and Landscape Plans

Kelly Garden Supply is your source for thoughtful landscape planning and design. A well-
designed landscape provides years of beauty, increases environmental quality, and enhances your
property. Natural or formal, big project or small, Kelly Garden Supply creates gardens and
environments that surround you with color, harmony, and tranquility. Following are some of our
sample designs.

English Cottage Garden

Easy and carefree, our cottage garden design is filled with herbs, vegetables, and flowers
blooming from March to October. Plantings are arranged close together to reduce weeding and
encourage self-seeding. This design is an ideal blend of utility and beauty.
Starter plan includes hollyhocks, lavender, black-eyed susans, veronica, and dill
Expansion pack includes crocuses, foxgloves, and patio tomatoes

Pond and Waterfall Garden

Designed for yards of any size, the pond and waterfall garden combines an ike, or pool, with
aquatic plants and ornamental fish and a free-flowing waterfall that aerates the water and helps
keep it clean. Choose statuary, including ishidoro (Japanese lanterns), from our stock.

Starter plan includes water lily, cattail, elephant ear, and koi
Expansion pack includes mosquito fern, arrowhead, and aquatic snails

Butterfly Garden

A delight for the senses, butterfly gardens attract butterflies and moths and contribute to their
conservation. This garden design includes blooms that supply nectar butterflies love, especially in
mid to late summer. All designs include flowers with multiple florets that produce lots of nectar.

Starter plan includes cone flowers, sunflowers, asters, and milkweed

Expansion pack includes poppies, butterfly bush, and butterfly house kits

Alpine Garden

“A type of rock garden, alpine gardens feature decorative rocks and stones along with plants
native to rocky or alpine environments. Perfect for small yards.”
“Starter plan includes candytuft, hens and chicks, and dwarf azalea.”
Expansion pack includes wood anemone, trillium, and wall cress.
All of our designs include detailed landscaping plans and supply lists.

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