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Thomas F. Neal, M.D., P.D.

Stan E. Potocki, M.D.

Otolaryngology-head and neck surgery

Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy Information Sheet

What should I expect?

For children under 10, severe discomfort between 4-7 days

In adults the recovery period is up to 2 weeks

Expect to have difficulty with food for several days ( even liquids will be difficult to swallow but
you must drink liquids to prevent dehydration)

Blood mixed with saliva is common for 2 weeks

Vomit will also contain blood for first 24 hours (if this occurs for longer call my office)

Low grade fever for up to 1 week and ear pain for up to 2 weeks is common

You should stay home from work for 1 week

Avoid strenuous activity for 2 weeks. Activities such as going to the mall or being outside on nice
days are ok

What can ease the pain?

I recommend water based popsicles, milk products are safe but they coat the throat and can cause

Follow aspirin warnings for 2 weeks; if tonsils are removed I will give medication

Tylenol will help but unfortunately will not eliminate pain


The biggest risk is bleeding, follow the above directions to lessen this risk

Nasal regurgitation is normal while eating and drinking, in most all cases this ceases after 3-4
weeks. Call my office if you feel this is happening abnormally

3621 22nd Street, suite 300 Phone: (806) 792-5331

Lubbock, Texas 79410 Fax: (806) 792-9417

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