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The product which we are introducing today is a shopping cart which is different for conventional
shopping carts. This gps carts would cause a revolution for the current real world shopping model.
The gps carts are customer oriented product in a visible form of a personal shopping assistant
which will make today’s shopping experience easier and more enjoyable. It’s a touched base gps
system that would be molted on the handle bars of a typical grocery store or departmental store
shopping cart. The purpose of this item is to help you locate exactly where in the store the good
you’re searching for is located without the need to ask the employee to find it for you. For instance
you’re searching for sugar and you don’t know where it is this will tell you exactly which eel which
side of the ell and which shelf the sugar is located. Further more you could input the digital grocery
list on to this gps and you could check of the same way you check off the normal grocery list each
item you have purchased. The benefit to this gps is that it would also be able to keep a running tab
of the total cost of your grocery expenses so as you put each individual sugar packets and other
items you’re purchasing into your grocery cart you know exactly how much you’re expending
before you even check out the store. In addition this gps could offer coupons you may not be aware
of if you’re buying sugar from brand A the gps could say “hey brand B has a deal this month where
its 15rps cheaper” so your able to save money as you go along This also provides the benefit for the
grocery store in cost efficiency over the long run. Basically the grocery store does not need to have
many employees on the floor on any given time because instead of asking an employee where the
particular good is located they could just look at the gps they have on their shopping car.

We have chosen this product as we identified a need for this product, customer entre into the
shopping store and is in a great mess to locate the product he want hence leading to a unsatisfied
customer and giving the store his pocket share. 2ndly every business is become more cost efficient
our product gps shopping cart would help the stores to reduce its cost by the grocery store does not
need to have many employees on the floor on any given time because instead of asking an employee
where the particular good is located they could just look at the gps they have on their shopping car.

As this is a business to business product so our target market is very narrow as compare to a
business to customer product. We would be targeting all the grocery store’s metro, Macro,7 elevens,
citi supermarket , cosmo and the list goes on.

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