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What I learned was that there is a strong relation between social interaction and
constructivism. Social interactionists adhere to the wider constructivist theory of
learning, and place an emphasis on the role which language plays as a medium
of learner interaction, pointing out that it is through language that cultural and
philosophical ideas are shared and developed. According to social interactionism
learning based on a interactionist approach,therefore,presupposes a collaborative
relationship between teacher and learner,rather than a relationship of learner
dependency.A social constructivist model of the teaching-learning process has
four key elements:the learners,the teacher,the task,the context interact with and
affect each other.All of these elements influence the learning process and all
interact as part of a dynamic,ongoing process.Learners and instructors should
develop an awareness of each other’s viewpoints,beliefs and values.

I need to focus more on how these theories can be used successfully in Elt.

I may use a social constructivist model in my teaching.I need to make language

teaching for learners a meaningful process.It needs to give a meaning to their
lives.I need to make clear why they are learning English and how can they make
use of language in their daily lives.For exanple,when they go abroad they will
have no difficulty in communication if they know English.I should help to them
developing skills and strategies to continue to learn outside the classroom.I may
provide them with online sources which develop their
pronunciation,communication abilities.Because emotional environment is
important for language learning,I need to create an understanding atmosphere.I
need to convince students making mistakes are inseperable part of language
learning,so they will be more comfortable in classroom atmosphere.

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