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What I learned was that learning a second language is an ongoing,long and complex undertaking
during which one’s personality is greatly affected.While learning a second language,you don’t just
learn the grammatical patterns of the language at the same time you learn how to think in this
language and lifestyles,cultures of people who use the language.Language is more than just a means
of communication.It influences our culture and even our thought processes.A new language means,a
new culture,a new way of thinking,feeling and acting.Despite years of effort ,the vast majority of
language learners fail to reach fluency in their target language.There are some factors which hinder
effective learning.Such as emotional factors,motivational strategies.critical period,lack of self
confidence,poor attitude,materials,method.Most people can never use a language because they
spend too much time learning about the language and not enough time actually acquiring it.There is
something shouldn’t be forgotten that language learning is more than classroom experience.The
more exposure to target language,the better language acquisition.It is important for second language
acquisition to be able to answer some questions like who are the learners(for example;in a village
you cannot use traffic lights to teach colours)what the subject matter is,how where and when
learning takes place,why learners are trying to acquire the second language.According to Thomas
Kuhn teacher needs to discover the pieces of the language and then to fit the pieces together.At the
same time teacher needs to help students to be communicative competent.To be communicative
competent means having the ability to use the language correctly and appropriately to accomplish
communication goals.Communicative competence is made up of four competence areas:


Understanding of the components of language determines how you teach a language.Teaching-

learning process is the heart of education.Teaching-learning are related terms.Learning can be
defined as the relatively permanent change in an individual’s behavior as a result of practice or
experience.Teaching can be defined as purposeful direction and management of the learning
process.Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning.

What I had difficulty in figuring out was that how can a teacher successfully perform a theory like
jigsaw puzzle,what can be done to carry out coherent and unified learning with jigsaw puzzle theory.

I suppose I need to focus more on understanding communicative components of the language due
to the fact that it determines to a large extent how you teach a language and it is nonverbal
communication which is a key to successful second language learning.

I believe I may use the components of language to determine how to teach.I may devote some
attention to nonverbal systems and cues,I may use sociolinguistic strategies and communicative
tasks.In addition to these by thinking “every learner is unique” to increase effectiveness I may use
strategies according to students’intelligences(visual,verbal,logical,musical,kınesthetic).

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