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Narrative Panoramas

Print Assessment Criteria

Series Title: __________________________________________

_____ (25 points) OBJECTIVE: Solving the problem as a photographer

 You have created a narrative panorama that illustrates a simple story or event by visually
connecting three or more images together in a cohesive way.
 You have connected the prints together elegantly to more clearly illustrate your story in your final
 You have selected high quality, clear, focused negatives to make these prints.

_____ (25 points) STUDIO SKILLS: Use and Application of Photoshop

 You were able to manipulate Photoshop tools correctly.
 You used color balance, levels, and the hue saturation functions in Photoshop.

_____ (25 points) DESIGN: Applying the Principles of Composition

 Your prints have been visually aligned to create a panorama. You have connected important
compositional elements to help create this visual cohesiveness.
 Your final composition somehow demonstrates contrasting points of view, using a deep-depth of
field to focus subject matter that is in both the foreground and background of the panorama.
 Your prints demonstrate use of at least two different principles of composition.

_____/_____ (25 points) PRESENTATION: Care & Craftsmanship

 You have demonstrated care and craftsmanship in all aspects of creating your final prints.
 You have carefully trimmed each print (if necessary) to have clean, even edges.
 EXTRA CREDIT (5 points) You have carefully matted your prints together to emphasize the
panoramic connection, while measuring an even border around the final grouping.

_____ (100 points) Total

Closing Questions
Directions: Please respond to each of the questions using complete sentences.
1) Describe the story that you attempted to illustrate in your panorama:

2) Explain how you use a compositional strategy while shooting to emphasize important or interesting parts
of your story.

3) Do you feel your final panorama effectively communicates your story? Why or not? If not, explain what
you might change or do differently to make it more successful.

4) Did you enjoy presenting your works in a different format like a panorama? Why or why not?

Showpiece Selections
_____ Panorama Design Select one series of prints that demonstrate masterful cohesion in
how the works are connected to form one unified story or event. What did the artist do to so elegantly
connect these works together?

_____ Storyteller Which series of prints use the panorama format most successfully to tell a
story? What decisions did the artist make that help visually clarify this story?

_____ Shooting Skills Select one series of prints that demonstrate remarkable consistency in

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