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1. eloquent

a. The guest spoke with in an intelligent and eloquent manner.

2. nonchalant

a. The boy approached the serious situation nonchalantly, angering those around

3. iconoclast

a. The rebellious James Dean is a well-known iconoclast.

4. minutiae

a. A perfectionist never ignores the minutiae of a situation.

5. qualms

a. The teacher approved the request, saying he had no qualms about it.

6. inexplicable

a. The woman found her child's erratic behavior to be inexplicable.

7. lucid

a. After being knocked unconscious, the man was not lucid for many hours.

8. ethereal

a. The bride looked ethereal on her wedding day.

9. sadistic

a. The murder has been characterized as sadistic.

10. impregnable

a. The iron fort was impregnable from the outside.

11. truculent

a. His criticisms were not constructive, but of a truculent nature.

12. extrovert

a. The extroverted twin loved to be in social situations.

13. enigma

a. The recluse's life was truly an enigma to the public.

14. debauchery

a. After his rule, it was discovered the king had participated in much debauchery.

15. acumen

a. The girl had an incredibly acumen for playing the piano.

16. abstain

a. For Lent, the boy pledged to abstain from eating chocolate.

17. bliss

a. The child's face showed true bliss as she ate the ice cream.

18. intrepid

a. The intrepid reporter traveled to war zones.

19. philistine

a. The man was thought to be a philistine because he rejected his culture and

20. perfunctory

a. The man attended church in a perfunctory way, lacking real passion.

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