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What is telecommunication?
Goro Oba
The Department of Telecommunication,
Michigan State University
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What is telecommunication? Although a considerable number of studies have

been actually conducted on telecommunication, I have never had academic

opportunity to examine what it is. While the word ‘telecommunication’ has been

brought to public attention, how many of us can exactly define it? How many of

us can explain it in cultural context as well as in technological context? In my

opinion, the word ‘telecommunication’ seems to be going forward itself so that

our consciousness cannot catch up with it. As a new graduate student of the

department of telecommunication, I hope to comprehensively understand what

telecommunication is, and organize present issues systematically through this

article. According to the requirement, this article consists of the following: areas

and issues in telecommunication; key questions that telecommunication tries to

answer; methods for studying, researching, and creating in telecommunication;

and my learning and career goals for my telecommunication MA.

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What is telecommunication?

In order to answer a kind of vague question such as what

telecommunication is, I would like to focus on the areas in telecommunication in

the beginning. Carne (1995) proposed the following:

Telecommunication means communication from afar; it is the action of

communicating-at-distance. In the broadest sense, it can include

several ways of communicating (letters, telegraphs, telephone, etc);

however, it is customary to associate it only with electronic

communication systems such as telephone, data communication,

radio, and television. (p.5)

From this viewpoint, one may say that telecommunication is literally one of the

ways of communication to receive or send massages. The question I have to ask

here is what communication is. We unconsciously use the word ‘communication’

in a daily life. Then, how can we define communication, whose categories seem

to range widely? In 1985 Charp and Hines described communication as the

method by which we exchange sounds, signals, pictures and languages

between people and places (p.13). From this definition, I realize that discussion

in a class, conversation with someone by phone, writing a letter, reading a

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newspaper, and watching television are all grouped into the same category

named communication because we exchange something with somebody by


The question is what differentiates one communication from the other

at more detailed categories. The first thing I notice is that the way of

communication is different from each other: in some cases, communication

from one to many or many to many, in the others, however, communication in

person. In addition, it seems to depend on whether it is mediated or not.

Another illustration of the point is the definition of mass communication,

possibly the most familiar way of communication to us. Mass communication is

usually defined as one-to-many or point-to-multipoint communication, in which

a single message is communicated from a single source to hundreds or

thousands of receivers, with relatively restricted opportunities for the audience

to communicate back to the source (Straubhaar & LaRose, 1997, p.11). Before

examining the definition of mass communication, I would like to focus on

another important point included in this passage: what we exchange in

communication is message. Elsewhere in their article, they defined the message

as the content of the communication, the information that is to be exchanged

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(p.7). Accordingly, the passages by them reveal that the purpose of

communication is to exchange information. Let me now return to mass

communication again. Sending information to a large number of viewers,

television generally belongs to a group of mass communication, as do

newspapers. This is the reason why television and newspapers are called the

mass media. Compared to them, information is not sent to many receivers by

telephone. This means that telephone is not categorized as one of the mass

media. However, strict distinction between mass communication and

telecommunication seems to be difficult. According to Carne (1995),

telecommunication in which information flows simultaneously from a single

(transmitting) site to a large number of (receiving) sites is known as mass

communication (p.6). Telecommunication has a wide application, and mass

communication belongs to telecommunication by definition.

Rather, from the passage by Carne, I should emphasize a couple of

notable features of telecommunication. One is that information flows

simultaneously in telecommunication. Another important point is that

telecommunication includes other kind of communication than for one-to-many

communication, which is known as mass communication; it could be one-to-one,

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personal communication such as a telephone call or an electronic mail. Then,

what makes simultaneity or personal communication possible? With this issue in

mind, I will again take a look at the definition of telecommunication that I cited

earlier. “It is customary to associate it [telecommunication] only with electronic

communication systems such as telephone, data communication, radio, and

television,” said Carne (1995, p.5). All electronic communication systems

mentioned above have networks with which they provide information. A

network is a group of switches, terminal equipment, software and peripheral

hardware interconnected with communications channels that are used to

establish connections among the network users (Charp and Hines, 1985,

Glossary). It follows from what has been said thus far that telecommunication is

to exchange ‘information’ by ‘technology’ symbolized by a network.

The fact that both information and technology are essential for

telecommunication is a very important point because they are thought to be

valuable in contemporary life, and, therefore, telecommunications industry is

enjoying prosperity. Valance (1993) depicted the industry vividly:

In the last few years, the telecommunications industry has begun to

merge with the communications service sector which, in turn, has

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converged with information service and entertainment service to

produce the hydra-headed information technology or IT industry. An

exciting combination of customer demand, increasing competition and

advancing technology has created a fast-moving industry, which is

constantly transforming itself in the development of new areas of

business. (p.1)

In fact, the telecommunication industry has been prosperous for the past eight

years. Statistical Abstract of the United States (2000) reported that gross

domestic income in information technologies industries has grown by 119.6%,

from $ 371,080 million in 1992 to $ 814,727 million in 2000. Consequently,

percent share of the economy has increased from 5.9% to 8.3%. For people

working in the industry, telecommunication might be a synonym for lucrative


Economic boom obviously accelerates technical innovations more and

more. Dizard (1997) divided the media into two groups, old media and new


A partial list of the latter includes multimedia computers, CD-ROM

laser disks, advanced facsimile machines, handheld data banks,

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electronic books, videotext networks, intelligent phones, and direct-

to-home broadcasting satellites…. Their most significant innovation,

however, is the distribution of voice, video, and print products on a

common electronic channel, often in two-way interactive formats that

give consumers more control over what services they receive, when

they get them, and in what form. (p.4)

If I regard the new media as ones for telecommunication, what is especially

important seems that they provide two-way interactivity. Consider television, for

example, showing that the interactivity enables media to be more personally-

oriented. Hanson (1994) suggested, ”Most thought that interactive technology

would best facilitate children’s programming…. Another purpose of the

interactive system was to offer home viewers a variety of films to choose from.

In many ways, this service is similar to videotex, subscription TV, or pay-per-

view” (p.212). Actually, not only has the interactivity been spread, but it has

also been evolving. According to the issue of Broadcasting and Cable noted by

Schlosser (2000), Fox sports will let viewers use set-tops to select camera

angles on sports events. While I feared that a director would not be required

anymore, this is an interesting article showing that the possibility of

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broadcasting is evolving with the consequence of new technology such as

interactive service.

Now that I have showed the outline of telecommunication, I may

proceed to key question that telecommunication tries to answer. Gates (1995)

stated, “Information technology is not a panacea. This disappoints people who

demand to know how PCs and the Internet will solve all human problems” (P10).

After all, the computer is nothing but a tool for me. Generally, we use tools, for

example, a pencil to write something or a camera to take a picture of

something. Accordingly, the computer should be used to do something, too. Of

course, the computer itself cannot cure a serious disease. We, however, can get

some hints to cure it efficiently with the computer; the World Wide Web would

surely provide us the information about doctors, medicine, and hospitals. The

better we use tools, the better our lives become. This common pattern would

naturally be applied to the tools for telecommunication such as the computer,

the telephone or television. Then, what differentiates them from others such as

a car or a desk? The difference is that the tools for telecommunication are

closely connected with information, which is considered by many people as the

most important thing today, as I mentioned above. Certainly, there is a flood of

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terms such as the Information Society or the Information Age. In such society,

people will always tend to get some information more or less. Given that this

situation continues for the time being, a key question that telecommunication

try to answer is supposed to be whether or not it enables a large number of

people to access information easily, speedy, equally, and inexpensively, with

the progress of technology, infrastructure, and service. In other words, it is

whether or not the evolution of telecommunication makes it possible that

information would be a utility for us such as water, electricity, or gas. They are

certainly required not only in daily life, but also in emergency. Under disaster,

information through television, radio, telephone and the Internet is regarded as

one of the lifelines.

I will, in turn, discuss issues in telecommunication. Information goes

over the borders. A lot of telecommunication organizations such as AT&T, CNN,

Sony and so on, therefore, are pushing the global strategy forward. This fact,

however, seems to cause a new issue in telecommunication. Kim Dae-Jung,

president of the republic of Korea, noted in the special contribution to Human

Development Report 2001, “Enhancement of information capabilities can bring

affluence to us by increasing efficiency. But it is also widening the digital divide

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between the information haves and have-nots” (p.24). Although the evolution of

telecommunication, such as the Internet or satellite broadcasting, enables us to

communicate on global scale, the access to information is limited to people who

can afford to have the latest technologies. Straubhaar & LaRose (1997) pointed

out this problem, too.

In some countries, only some bureaucrats and a few of the wealthiest

professionals and businesses can afford access to computers. In fact,

many experts fear that relatively low access to computers will keep

businesses and professionals in developing countries from competing

in a globalized market where others have a sophisticated computer

infrastructure to work with. (p.121)

This kind of inequality, a gap between the information haves and

have-nots is also seen in the domestic scale. In the earlier sentence, I noted key

question that telecommunication try to answer is whether or not the evolution

of telecommunication makes it possible that information would be a utility for us

such as water, electricity, or gas. As the first step in my analysis to the

question, I will take up “universal service”. Straubhaar & LaRose (1997)

explained, ”Universal service is the idea that everyone should have access to
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basic telecommunications services. The policy has long been a central one in

telephone industry regulation, where it has succeeded in bringing telephone

service to all but 5 percent of American homes” (p.254). As a result, almost all

the residents in the U.S. recognize telephone service as a kind of utility. They

make phone calls as easily as they use water, electricity, or gas. The question is

whether or not the concept of universal service can be expanded to include

other kinds of service, such as the computer. The Federal Communications

Commission (FCC) officially made it clear that every effort would be made to

ensure access to telecommunications services for low-income consumers and

those who live in rural, high-cost areas (Schwartz, 1997, p.75). In order to

achieve this, the FCC is encouraging new enterprises to enter into the

telephone industry by deregulations, because it would create new competition

that might result in making advanced universal service possible. However, even

if the network for advanced universal service were possible and cheaper,

another important problem would arise: access to equipment could be the

ramification of widening the information gap between information haves and

have-nots in the new information age. Until recently, users have had terminals

such as plain old telephone sets, installed easily. But now users have to buy new
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terminals by themselves for new services. Are the terminals such as personal

computers or modems available for everyone? I am afraid that a lot of residents

cannot yet afford to buy them. Actually, only 7.9% of households who

graduated only elementary schools have computers at their homes, while

68.3% of college graduates do. Among households whose income is less than

$5,000, only 15.9% have computers, although 79.9% of those whose income is

more than $75,000 have them (Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2000,

p.569). Economist Robert Reich has underscored the impact that the

information gap has on achieved U.S. society; “No longer are Americans rising

or falling together, as if in one large boat. We are, increasingly, in different,

smaller boats” (Dizard, 1997, p.206).

Next, I would like to consider another issue. There seems a flood of

arguments about references to sex or violence in the media. On one hand,

among the media, sensationalism such as sex scenes or violence is surely

thought to attract many viewers, and bring more advertising revenue

accordingly. Apart from their intention, producers might insist that the freedom

of expression should be guaranteed. On the other hand, sexual or violent

depictions are generally regarded as unsuitable for kids or teens, educationally

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and morally. For this reason, the regulation of such content is imposed on the

media. For example, in 1996 Congress passed a law requiring V-chip to permit

television viewers to block out programs rated to have sex or violence

(Straubhaar & LaRose, 1997, p.97). Consequently, those kinds of programs are

being broadcast under the principle that kids’ eyes would not reach it. Media is

swaying between the two contradictory values, and V-chip looks like a

compromised proposal for both lawmakers and broadcasters.

The Internet or adult entertainment telephone services has relatively

new problem peculiar to them. Straubhaar & LaRose (1997) reported:

The Internet is incredibly diverse and anarchic. The number of

“sources” is in the millions, and no one is really “in charge” of the

network. The users of the network are also the “publishers,” but they

do not have to subscribe to any code of professional journalistic

ethics, and in any event the authors of the most offensive forms of

content have ways to “launder” the information so that it cannot be

traced back to them. (p.337)

Actually, we can access Web sites containing pornography easily. Even if the

sites warn that person under twenty-one years are not allowed to enter, they
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can easily browse the sites, by just clicking ‘enter’. There is, at the moment,

nothing like V-chip or ID check on the Web. Apparently, the Webmasters should

be responsible for the content in this situation. However, no matter how strictly

the content is regulated, they can easily get around a surveillance network

because they are anonymous. This kind of mess has seldom happened in the

media history. The mass media have often been blamed for the content, and

exposed to censorship. However, traditional media have dignity that competes

with pressure from outside. Byline articles or reports are regarded as

manifestation of their responsibility and confidence to the content. On the

contrary, in the Internet reality, we sometimes seem to forget the principle of

the media that the freedom of expression is not admitted until we can take the

responsibility for the content.

I will now discuss methods for studying, researching, and creating in

telecommunication. In Japan, telecommunication study tends to be categorized

as one in the field of science or electronics. It is, therefore, said that the

knowledge of programming, differentiation, and integration are required to

conduct research. In the U.S., on the other hand, telecommunication study

seems to cover wide range of academic fields so that it enables various

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approaches from such field as management, economics, law, sociology, art, and

science. This is terrific because I can adopt the best way that meets my need.

At the same time, taking advantage of this diversity, I should also link one to

another in study. For example, given that I am interested in international

telecommunication, what I have to do for research is supposed to be extensive:

global strategy, international law, cultural context, and technology. This clearly

shows that the most effective way to study is to consider subjects plurally, not

unilaterally. In addition, there is another important thing: to experience by

myself. This, in particular, applies to telecommunication study because

telecommunication usually has to do with the latest technology. Although I

noted the interactivity on cable TV, to tell you the truth, I have never

experienced it before because the TV set in my home, an analog one, is not

equipped with the function. It sounds like an armchair theory, no matter how

eagerly I discuss interactivity. The proverb “Seeing is believing” holds true in

telecommunication study.

Finally, I would like to mention my learning and career goal for my

Telecommunication MA. My academic objective is to get my master’s degree in

telecommunications Studies to enhance my knowledge and professional skills.

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Although I had worked as a director for NTV, one of Japan's national TV networks

for about 10 years, recent changes in the broadcasting industry and my own

conviction that the globalization of Japan's TV networks is an inevitability have

convinced me that I need to broaden my knowledge base. The industry's

organization will drastically change, and therefore the way business is

conducted will become more complex. Already in Japan, Cable TV has gradually

spread, and there are now several cable networks with some very attractive

programming. Moreover, satellite-based digital broadcasting has just begun in

December of last year. Further drastic and unprecedented changes are

inevitable, and I feel I have been given the precious opportunity to witness the

birth of a new era. The more I consider our strategy in the emerging era, the

more I can visualize the incredible potential for growth. However, I must

confess, I feel I lack a systematic and theoretical understanding of the industry's

changing environment, and this is the primary reasons I have decided to study

telecommunication in the U.S. From its origins, the Japanese broadcasting

industry has been deeply affected by its American counterpart. We have

consistently followed the U.S. lead whether in the move from black and white to

color, the mimicking of content, or the use of the latest technologies. If I were
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able to do an in depth study of the present organization of the TV industry in

the U.S., I would be better equipped to map out a network strategy for Japan.

In addition, the U.S. is a leader in the globalization of media, and this

is an area connected with my career goal. I am especially interested in the

globalization of TV networks because I hope to participate in the international

strategy division in media after receiving my master degree. It is my goal to

learn as much as possible about how the American TV industry managed to

enter and thrive in various regional markets, while at the same time dealing

with the broadcast policies of other countries. This is an area which Japan will

soon have to deal with and I would like to be prepared to make a dynamic

contribution. As satellite-based digital broadcasting can be viewed throughout

East Asia, Japanese TV networks have the potential to become major players in

this region, where Japanese pop culture is widely accepted and extremely

popular. I am presently inspired to research the following questions: what kind

of program shall we broadcast in this region? Moreover, what are the best

strategies for entering and prospering in this market? I do not have specific

answers now, but I feel I will have them after analyzing the international

strategy of American TV networks.

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Carne, E.B. (1995). Telecommunications primer: signals building

blocks and networks. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall PTR.

Charp, S. & Hines, I.J. (1985). Telecommunications Fundamentals.

Arlington, VA: Bell Atlantic Company.

Dizard, W., Jr. (1997) Old media new media: mass communications in

the information age (2nd ed.). White Plains, NY: Longman.

Gates, B. (1995). The Road Ahead. New York, NY: Viking

Hanson, J. (1994). Connections: Technologies of communication. New

York, NY: Harper Collins College Publishers.

Schlosser, J. (2000, November 27). Fox’s big interactive game plan.

Broadcast & Cable, 130. 10.

Schwartz, K.D. (1997, June 23). FCC plan ensures dial tone for all. Info

world, 75.

Straubhaar, J. & LaRose, R. (1997) Communications media in the

information society (Update ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

U.S. Census Bureau. (2001). Statistic Abstract of the United

States:2000, 563-580. Retrieved September 27, 2001 from the World Wide

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Vallance, I.D.T. (1993). Global strategy. Davis, D.E.N., Hilsum, C. &

Rudge, A.W. (Ed.). Communications after AD 2000. London: Chapman & Hall.

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